Interview with Heisel Hernandez
Growing up in Alexandria, Virginia, I was constantly surrounded by the culture and influences from immigrants in the area. Alexandria, Virginia is an extremely diverse area with many different cultures. From cuisine, to friends, to ideas, to the type of stores in the area, immigrants have had a major influence on Alexandria, Virginia. When I was first told about the immigration project, I had many people that I could’ve chosen from. From my many coworkers that I shared three years with and knew were immigrants but wasn’t ever able to ask the questions; to my best friend’s fiancé, mom or brother. After going through everyone I could interview, I chose to do my former coworker Heisel Hernandez, who I’ve had the privilege to know and work with for the last three years. Heisel is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. He immigrated to the United States from La Halapa, Guatemala in 2016 at the age of just sixteen years old by himself. The entire immigration process from beginning to end is an extremely complicated and precise process. If one thing goes wrong in the plan, everything else could fall through. It takes a lot of planning, efforts, and strength to take the journey. It takes an impact on human beings mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. Within all the hardship, it also brings new opportunities, second chances, and freedom that wasn’t seen before. In this class we’ve discussed many of these ideas and aspects of immigration that thousands of people experience every day.
In Guatemala
Heisel Hernandez immigrated to the United States from La Halapa, Guatemala during the months of October-December in 2016. He had just turned sixteen. He lived in a village outside of the department which was their city. In his village of 150-200 houses was a welcoming and close-knit community. He describes his village as, “very united”. Heisel talked about in his village the houses were open to anyone in the village that wanted to come in. If they needed to use the restroom or needed food or water, it was common for another villager to walk into the house and ask for the things without judgement. They weren’t fearful of their neighbors or unknowing of their neighbors. I found this very interesting because the time I’ve been in Alexandria, Virginia. I haven’t known my neighbors except for the basics of their names, where they are from, if they have children, where they attend school and their ages. Other than that, my family and our neighbors never really talked or had get togethers or were a community. Heisel also mentioned how he had to travel, “an hour away,” to attend school near El Salvador because there were no schools near his village. When he was attending school there, he took accountability classes and learned the basics of English such as, hi, how are you, and can I use the restroom? He would come home from school around 2pm and do the normal student lifestyle: homework, dinner, and free time. In their free time, they could play, watch TV, or do chores because in their area was a lot of trees and grass that constantly needed to be tended too.
Preparation for the Journey
When Heisel was in school near El Salvador, his school was heavily influenced by the gangs. He said that “a lot of friends that want me to, like, join the gangs”. He further goes to discuss that he didn’t want that lifestyle or continue to be around it with the chance of being influenced into that lifestyle. After discussing things with his mom at home, and a brother he had living in Alexandria, Virginia, they decided the best decision for Heisel was to immigrate to America and live with his brother. Prior to immigrating, he had never met his brother because he had been in America for 20-21 years prior. Between his mom, brother, and sister, they came up with the cost to pay for his travels to the United States. Heisel’s mother has a visitor’s visa from Guatemala and can travel to the United States for ten years until it needs to be renewed. At the time of planning, she was in the United States getting all Heisel’s documents in order with his brother and sister. Once the documents were in order, she came back to help get Heisel ready for the journey. As we’ve discussed in class, there’s always a reason behind leaving the country a person immigrates from. In Heisel’s case, it was due to the heavy influence of gangs in his school and surrounding areas. His immigration was his security that he wouldn’t be roped into the gang lifestyle. He also had his brother and sister living in the United States already to provide him the network he needed to have an easier journey and guaranteed hope.
The Journey to Virginia
Heisel departed October 12, 2016 from his home in La Halapa, Guatemala by himself on his journey to the United States. From Guatemala to the border, Heisel travelled by busses, cars, and by foot, being guided by a coyote. He begins to describe the journey as, “rough” and “tough,” going into to detail with his travels. When travelling, he had to stay up long days because they were constantly on the move. They would go 8-10 hours a day with no food or drink and the inability to use the restroom. He was sixteen years old travelling alone. He had no family members to go on this journey with him and knew a couple others from his area but wasn’t close with them. Along his journey, he became close with a 28-year-old that was also trying to cross the border. This had been his second attempt to cross the border, so he knew the routes they were going and could help Heisel if he felt the situation was going downhill. Heisel described this man as his, “hope and right hand” because he didn’t feel alone anymore and knew someone was going to be there to take care of him.
Once he got near the New Mexico border, things started to get interesting. The first instance, they were stopped by the Zetas, a big group in Mexico that controls drugs and movement. They were asked for their papers and asked a lot of questions which he said he found, “weird” because they hadn’t reached the border yet. Once they got closer, the coyote brought them to another guide that took them to a safehouse for the night before crossing the border in the morning. Overnight at the safe house, Heisel had a scary encounter. A few guys in militarized gear knocked down the door and pointed huge guns in his face. They said they were from el cartel de Golfo, another major cartel in Mexico, and started to ask who he was and why he was here. After that, they had protection for the rest of the night by the el cartel de Golfo, due to a family being murdered up the street. He mentioned that once they mentioned who they were, he described it as, “worse because I was like, what they gonna do to me, that they’re gonna kill me.” He was terrified for his life the night before crossing into America.
The next day he crossed the Rio Bravo on foot and walked to the border. When he crossed the border, he was met by an immigration car with an officer that asked him questions like where he was from and his age. Since he was underage it was a lot easier for him to cross the border. His 28-year-old friend he had connected with along the journey had to wait until night and cross through the desert, hoping he didn’t get caught. It was a very different process for Heisel since he was under eighteen. After getting checked in by the immigration officer, he was escorted to a center in New Mexico. He stayed in a refugee house for two days before flying to Miami. In Miami, he was at another refugee center where he received all his vaccinations. He said once he got the vaccinations he felt, “safe” from the diseases and felt he was being taken care of. While he was in Miami he went to English classes for four hours a day, to start to familiarize himself with the language and adjust to the new lifestyle. A few weeks later, he was flown back to New Mexico and went through the same routine of English classes in New Mexico. He stayed there through Thanksgiving, having his, “first tradition in the United States” in the refugee house with a serving of turkey. In the refugee house, he was allowed one call a week. He would alternate between his family members so he could stay updated on his next steps and how the process to getting him with his brother and sister was going.
December 18th one of the ladies in the refugee came up to Heisel and told him he needed to pack his things because he was leaving in the morning. When he was told this, it hadn’t processed in his mind what was happening. The next morning, he took a private flight out with a few other kids also going to Alexandria and flew to Raegan National Airport. When he landed, their guide took them out of the airport where Heisel was met by his brothers and sisters with balloons and smiles that he was finally there in Alexandria.
Adjusting to a New Lifestyle
When Heisel got to the apartment, he said things were, “different”. He didn’t know where anything in his apartment was. He felt weird having to ask where the bathroom was and he felt like a roommate because he had never met this brother before except over the phone. He was also excited to be here in a new place. One of the first things he did was go to a mall in Maryland. He was stunned by how big the mall was, overwhelmed even. He didn’t know anything about the United States prior to immigrating here, so he stuck with the trusted Nike store. He never feared leaving the house because he had his papers and was here on refugee and in the immigration process, so he didn’t worry about someone coming to take him back to Guatemala. When he left Guatemala, he applied to asylum. He has a social security, worker’s permit, and driver’s license. After getting settled into Alexandria, he started school at TC Williams. He was taking English Learning classes, and he was put in the ninth grade level. As his schooling went on, he took extra classes because he was held back from starting the school year so late. He graduated high school in 2020.
Heisel has worked in many food industry jobs since he’s been here. He was given his first job by his brothers as a dishwasher. As Heisel began to learn more English, he was moved from dishwashing, to bussing and food running. Through this position he was able to further his English. In 2019, he decided to leave that job and get a job at Cava. Through Cava he had multiple higher leadership positions and further gained his experience. After graduating high school, he’s been working in the food service since then. He said it was easier for him to get a job because he had made friends and connections by the time he was seeking a new opportunity. Heisel also mentioned it took him only three years to learn the language, which is impressive because the older you are when you immigrate, the harder it is to learn the language.
Heisel mentioned another difficulty adjusting to the United States was our holidays. When it came to Christmas especially, because back in Guatemala, they would light off fireworks all night long and have celebrations. For his first Christmas in the United States, he can recall feeling, “sad” because he loved seeing the fireworks and the celebration that his village had. He didn’t like to be sitting around the house with his family. Even though he was with his family, it wasn’t the same as in Guatemala.
Plans for the Future
Through Heisel’s journey, he’s created a new home in the United States surrounded by friends, family, and a strong support system to help him with anything he needs. In his future, he plans to go back home to Guatemala and visit once his immigration process goes through. It also depends on if the judge allows to him return since he did seek refugee he claimed this would be his new country and it is, but he would love to go back home to his village someday. He plans to go to a few bigtime soccer events such as the FIFA World club matches in 2025, and the World Cup in 2026. He loves to play soccer in his free time and enjoys also watching the game be played. Heisel also wants to join the Army if he gets the chance but needs to have a green card to do so. Right now, Heisel is a server at a fast-paced fine dining American/Seafood cuisine restaurant in Old Town Alexandria.
Heisel also gifted advice to anyone looking to immigrate. He mentions to make sure you are aware of what you’re applying for and follow up on it. He also said to make sure you’re aware of what you’re doing and what your plan is because if you don’t then you’re messing up your chances for your future.
For this interview, it was conducted over a zoom call. I used the zoom audio recording option and my phone as a backup recorder. Before the interview, I discussed with Heisel highlight topics of the interview and told him that he only had to answer what he felt comfortable and open to answering. I performed the interview in my living room which is the quietest part of my house. To edit the interview, transcribe, and provide timestamps, I used Otter.AI.
Heather Saylor 00:01
My name is Heather Saylor, and today I will be conducting an interview on one of my old co workers and friends from home. Can you start off by stating your name and where you are from?
Heisel Hernandez 00:10
Yes, so my name is Heisel Hernandez. I’m from Guatemala. Basically, I live in Alexandria right now. So,
Heather Saylor 00:17
okay, cool. Um, what was your life like growing up in Guatemala?
Heisel Hernandez 00:25
I Mean it was from the point of view, and I like, compared to this country, like United States, so like in the kids side, like, when you’re like, very young, is over there pretty much like, you have, like, you kind of like your own space, so you can, like, run all around and everything. Over here is pretty much the same, but if, like, you own a house, but if you like, kind of like an apartment, so it’s kind of like inside the apartment, you know, but over there is kind of like, you like open book to like, whatever run around. Once you grab like, you start going to school. Same thing, like here, but over there is kind of like different, because it’s like in there, there is kind of like middle school and another, kind of like middle school, and then you go to like high school, but kind of like to start off for your career in college. So it’s just like, kind of like, different school ways to pretty fun. I like it, like, both ways.
Heather Saylor 01:29
Yeah. So like, what part of like, Guatemala were you in and, like, was it like, known for anything, like, specifically?
Heisel Hernandez 01:41
So where I’m from is, kind of like the department is, like, called halapa. I mean, it is known for, like, kind of like his culture. So kind of like, like the dance, like the culture dance, like, for like, Independence Days. So people get like in reunited, for example, like on September 14, like people from a lot of, like small towns or like village, they go, like to the main kind of like department, which is halapa, and they kind of like do like a torch, so they run back to, like, where they like live from. So that’s kind of like, kind of like the light of independence. And that’s kind of like a pretty good thing to do. I used to do it, so I really,
Heather Saylor 02:36
yeah, did you like participate in it? Or were you like, yeah, yeah,
Heisel Hernandez 02:40
yeah. So you basically just go, like, kind of like in a bus, or kind of like a big truck, and then you start running from once they light up the torch, so you start running all around to your home, but if, like, you get tired or anything, you can, like, jump back on the bus and everything. So the bus is, like, behind you. It’s pretty fun. That’s cool.
Heather Saylor 03:02
So, like, you, like, lived in, like, the city more. So, like,
Heisel Hernandez 03:06
no, so where I live was, was kind of like a, kind of like a small village, like a little 150 houses, 200 almost, nowadays, right? But it was pretty fun. Like, I love it over there, because the people is, like, very united. For example, you’re like, you’re my neighbor, and you, like, have any needs or you have any troubles, so like, all not just like me because I’m your neighbor, but all around they’re gonna get, like, together and try to help you out. And that’s why I love the most of, yeah,
Heather Saylor 03:42
very good community. I like, Yeah, I like that. Um, so who did you like live with back there? Like, who all lived in your house?
Heisel Hernandez 03:50
So used to be, like, my mom, my dad, my siblings, which is four sisters and nephews. I got like, three one when I was there, it was like, three nephews. Now I was like six, if I’m wrong, so Wow. And
Heather Saylor 04:07
then did you like, have like, extended family near there as well? Like?
Heisel Hernandez 04:11
Yeah so, I have, like, a lot of, kind of, like, a lot of aunts, uncles, like cousins. And how say it kind of like, you literally can just go, like, walking on the street, like, to your, like, your uncle house, play with your nephew while your cousin, sorry, and it’s really good,
Heather Saylor 04:29
yeah, yeah. So like, what would you say, like, like, your average like, day was like, like, what would you do there? Like, on an average day?
Heisel Hernandez 04:39
starting off from mornings, I will say like, kind of like, wake up, you know, like, brush my teeth, get some like, kind of like breakfast, go to school. Because at school over there is kind of like from seven or 730 to like, 12 or 1pm so that time after that, basically get. Home, like, get some dinner, check if I had some, like, homework, and do the homework, and after that’s kind of like free time. I mean, if you want to, like, kind of like work in your house, you can do it like, kind of like cleaning around, because over there there’s like, a lot of grass and like, trees grow out fast. So if you want to have like, kind of, like clean you definitely can do that like in your free time, but it now will be like, just play around, watch TV. Yeah.
Heather Saylor 05:33
All right, so let’s lead into the next section, which is like, what like, what were like, Why did you leave Guatemala? Like, what was your reason for it?
Heisel Hernandez 05:45
Basically, was like trouble with gangs because I was in a school working, like, kind of like studying, and there were, like, a lot of friends that want me to, like, join the gangs and everything. So I’m not never liked that my family, none of us. So I talked with my mom, then I talked with my brother, which was over here, and they both decide, well, we all three decided, like, the best decision was for me like to immigrate so to have, like, a better future, better life, and stay out of all that trouble? Yeah, I’m glad I did. Yeah.
Heather Saylor 06:23
So like, so like, the area you were in was, like, very like, was heavily influenced by, like, gangs,
Unknown Speaker 06:31
the area where I live, no, but when I, when I go, like, to kind of like a high school, say, kind of like starting for college. So it was like an hour away, because over there is known nearby. Over there, it was like more influence of them, because it was almost near to El Salvador. You know, Salvador is known for a lot of gangs, so I believe that was like the main problem of them, yeah, okay,
Heather Saylor 07:03
um, and then, like, When did your like, brother come like, like, How long had he already been here before
Heisel Hernandez 07:13
he was here for like, 20-21, years.
Heather Saylor 07:16
Oh, he’s been here for a while.
Heisel Hernandez 07:17
So when I came in here, I didn’t met him before. Like, never in my life. So first time was me coming over here.
Heather Saylor 07:26
How was that? How was that interaction at first?
Heisel Hernandez 07:29
I mean, it was a little, I mean, kind of like, fine, because we talk over phones, like, facetimes and everything, but like, see him in person, it was like, kind of like a different view, you know, it was kind of like a big emotion, but like a sad emotion. So, yeah,
Heather Saylor 07:51
that’s kind of crazy. Did you guys, like, feel like roommates at first for a while before you, like, felt like you guys were like, brothers,
Heisel Hernandez 07:57
Heather Saylor 07:58
Heisel Hernandez 07:59
So over here we will. I live with my sister, right, and apartment, and he lived in one apartment down. And when I just came, I was like, use in here, because I didn’t know what to do or anything. So I used to go down there and watch TV down there, because over here was basically used me by myself, because my sister workings and everything, so I was just like having more fun over there. So I ended up getting along with him very well and everything. And yeah,
Heather Saylor 08:36
all right, um, before you came, what did you like know about, like, the life of United States? Like, like, what did you know like, what like, what like, what kind of influences or like ideas were in Guatemala that were influenced by the United States, or that you knew about the area before you even came
Heisel Hernandez 09:01
so, basically, like, mostly like, kind of like the work side, because my mom used to come and visit my brothers and over here. And whenever she goes, she went back to Guatemala. She was like, Oh, I used to, like, stare at the window, wait for my for my daughter to come from work, like a one 2am and I was like, kind of like, that was like a vision. And I was like, not, that’s a little tough, like that time and everything. So I kind of like had it that in mind, and I had to leave it kind of like a while when I came over here, I used to, like, when I used to work. So I used to come, like, around one two am. So then sleep like, four or five hours and go to school over here. So it was kind of like tough, but I kind of like, had it the vision a little bit, because what my mom was saying, so besides that No ideas, Yep, yeah.
Heather Saylor 09:54
So you like, know, like, you didn’t know, like, about, like, any other culture or anything here. Or, like, no, no food, or anything like that. Did you know, like, any of the language, or anything, either
Heisel Hernandez 10:05
the language, I did a little bit, kind of like a basis, like, Hi, how are you need to use the restroom? Because over there, when I was studying in Guatemala, I was studying for, like, accountability, so I have to take a, kind of like an English class, but these are way different, like, from comparatively, you know, yeah, so it was just kind of like the basics, but besides that, nothing else.
Heather Saylor 10:38
did you have like, any expectations, like coming here, like, like, anything that you like, expected out of like, that kind of like, didn’t meet your expectations when you got here. Like,
Heisel Hernandez 10:53
no, not at all. Like, I get used to it very quickly when I came. You know, we have to do like the process to, like, inscribe it or subscribe it to, like high school. So I was just like home for like, a month, month and a half. But once I started going to school and everything, I started making friends and like, they live near my apartment over here. So we used to go, like, play soccer and everything, and I get very well to the country, like, I would say, like, in three months.
Heather Saylor 11:31
That’s good.
Heisel Hernandez 11:31
So I feel like I was in a home, so that’s good. I like it, yeah.
Heather Saylor 11:36
And what age did you come over here?
Heisel Hernandez 11:38
Heather Saylor 11:39
16? Okay, so cool, like, middle of high school,
Heisel Hernandez 11:42
Heather Saylor 11:42
nice, cool. So, um, what, like, like, how did you like, prepare to, like, come here, like, like, like, how did everybody, like, discuss it and like, like, decide how you were gonna come and, like, the process and like, like, how you were gonna get there in the first place,
Heisel Hernandez 12:00
yeah, so that was kind of like my brother and mom, my mom thing. So they discussed at a bar and everything, because my mom was here during that time, and she went back to Guatemala, like for them, so she went and did all the process that I need to do. I stay with her for like 10 days after those 10 days, so we start, like the traveling thing to over here. So yeah.
Heather Saylor 12:32
how’d you travel over here?
Heisel Hernandez 12:35
By like, air. So there’s kind of like guide person, if I can say like that, they will take you through all Mexico, basically, because my part is Guatemala, says Guatemala in Mexico and then United States. So it was like, kind of like rough, because they have to do, like, busses, cars, and you literally use have to, like, stay up most of the times, because they’re gonna be like, Oh, we’re gonna go right now and everything, yeah, you have to hold even your pee. My apologies for that, but it’s like, it’s very tough, because you have to be, like, traveling for like, 8-10, hours with no stop and everything, no no food, no drinks. And then you get to, like, a place, so you stay there, and then they move you all around. So it’s kind of tough,
Heather Saylor 13:28
yeah, yeah. So, like, the, what, like, the guide is that, like, the, like, what they call, like the coyote, like the one who, like, transports you. I got you. I got you. I’m trying to think, um, let’s see. What else do I have? Like, um, well, like, obviously you said it was difficult, like, having to be, like, there, like, in like, eight to 10 hours, like not being able to do anything and then not being able to sleep because of, like, the unknowingness, um, but like, you weren’t alone, right? You, like, traveled with your mom, like, the whole way?
Heisel Hernandez 13:38
Yeah, no, so I was alone. There were more people, like, from around the area
Heather Saylor 14:09
Yeah cool. That’s good. At least you had somebody with you and you weren’t like, completely like, left in the dust. Did you guys have like, any, like, like, big, like troubles, like, on the way there, like, any like difficulties with the border, anything like that, like getting over, anything like that. Oh, okay.
Heisel Hernandez 14:09
they were traveling, like, it’s kind of like a big group. And one of them, it was new, where I was studying. So it was like, his second time trying to come to United States, I believe. And he kind of like knew the way already. So he was like, okay, just stick to me and everything. Anything happens, you follow me. I’m a kind of like, protect you and everything. Because he was, like, 28 years old. So that was kind of like, my my hope and my right hand, if I can say like that, because I feel like I wasn’t alone no more. So I had someone like to talk to, like, you know, gonna have at least take care of me if needed. So, yep. So I did. So once you start, like, crossing New Mexico. I mean, I believe the coyote pays these people, which is like, kind of like the setas, that’s what they call them, like, how do I say it, like a big one of the biggest group in Mexico that has like, kind of control in Mexico, and like, drugs and everything. So they, we did kind of like a stop, and they they asked for, like, your papers and everything I had on my passport, my passport with me from Guatemala. So they took the passport, and they started asking me questions, like, what’s your name, your age and everything. And that felt kind of like weird, because what other people were saying that if you, like, answer something wrong or anything, they will take you with with them. So that was kind of like, tough, yeah. Then after, it was when I was near the border too. So kind of like, there was no guy no more, because he was, like, near at the border. So there was just another kind of like person, but not the same one. So they bring me to, like this house, which was like, kind of like a, like a long house, like everything, no no light, nothing on it. So I was trying to, like sleep, like around 1am and everything, and out of nowhere, like a group of people came out to me, and they knocked the door down with like, and everything. So they wake me up and, like, when I wake up, I had like, big guns, like, in front of me. They were dressed up, like I was kind of like militized. So I was like, Oh, they gonna send me back to Guatemala. They start asking me, like, what’s your name, where you came from and everything. And I was like, you know, my name is this came from Guatemala, going to United States. Or they were like, Oh, now we’re not from, like, the army or anything. We’re like, the cartel of the Gulfo, which is another one of the biggest cartels over in Mexico. So once they say that it’s worse, because I was like, what they gonna do to me, that they’re gonna kill me, what they’re gonna do to me. So it was worse. So he was like, oh, what’s the person who have you here? Or anything and everything. So they kind of like, speak with calls. I believe they get, kind of like, the coyote pays kind of like a fee for them. Or, I don’t know how they do it, like they was like, was the name of the person, so I say the name of the person, and they were like, Okay, we’re gonna call and Sam, so they can send you someone to stay here with you. So they did call in, literally, like, two hours later, someone was there, over there with me, but after that, so they went out, and they went, like, in the other houses around. So they were, like, bringing the people out and everything. And I went to the window and like, kind of like, look what they were doing. But there, there was nothing bad, right. Then after them, like, three more people came over again, dress up, like, as many times and everything, with like, face mask and everything. And I believe there was those were, like, the, kind of like the big guys. So they were like, Oh, no worries. We’re not gonna do anything to you. We’re like, el carto del golfo. We just trying to protect over here, because there was a person that just kill a family, like near around. And it was like, kind of like one of the weirdest thing I live so, yeah, that was kind of like the toughest
Heather Saylor 18:56
I can understand that being kind of sketch, I would be like, I’m okay,
Heisel Hernandez 19:02
yeah, that was, like, very tough. So
Heather Saylor 19:04
Yeah I can’t imagine that, oh my gosh.
Heisel Hernandez 19:09
Yeah, and I was just 16, but I was like, you know, I’m not gonna, kind of like, just be like, as afraid or anything, you know, right? But inside, like, I’m not gonna, like, show it to you. But inside, I was like, Yeah, kind of like,
Heather Saylor 19:23
that I can’t imagine. Oh my gosh, yeah. So, like, when you cross, like, where did you like, where did you end up in America? Like,
Heisel Hernandez 19:36
so when I cross, literally, I crossed the river, which is the Rio Bravo, and so we crossed and we walked to the border. So when we walked to the border, there was like an immigration car, and they came over, there was an officer and everything, and he. He took me in because I was, like, underage, so he asked me my name or my age, and it was kind of like funny, because I would, you know, I was just like, what? 10? 10 Days? No, yeah, 10 days after my birthday. So my birthday is October 2, and I left on October 12 from like, my house to start the journey. So by the time I get to the border, it was October 27 or 28 if I’m not wrong. So I was kind of like, in my mind, I was still like, 15, you know,
Heather Saylor 20:35
Heisel Hernandez 20:35
So once the officer asked me, like, what’s your name and what’s your age? I was like, Oh, my name is Heisel, and I’m 15, and I was like, Oh, I’m sorry. I’m 16. And he was like, Don’t lie to me. There’s gonna be like, going, like, how do I say
Heather Saylor 20:53
In like records?
Heisel Hernandez 20:54
Yeah, so that’s gonna go, like, in your records, that you’re lying to me, that you lied to like, an immigration officer and everything. So I was like, No, I’m 16. I just turned I’m just turned 16 and everything. So he didn’t believe me. And once I because I was I still have my passport, like, kind of like in a ziploc bag. So I bring it out, like on my pocket and give it to him. So he started looking all over, and he was, like, Oh, I’m sorry, my apologies. Here’s your passport, bike and everything. And he used to me in the car, and he took me to like, a center. But it was like, in New Mexico, if I’m not wrong, okay, yeah. And
Heather Saylor 21:34
then, like, did you fly from New Mexico to your brother, or did your brother pick you up? Or
Heisel Hernandez 21:40
no. So over there I had to stay in kind of like these refuges houses that they did. Oh, yeah, I believe that for what is called,
Heather Saylor 21:49
yeah, refugees.
Heisel Hernandez 21:51
So once I was seen, not in jail, but they call it like El coral in Espanol, but it’s like, a, kind of, like a big place that has, like, a lot of people on and they just give you kind of like, kind of like a blanket, but it’s not another blanket, so it’s kind of like to keep you warm only, and I had to stay there for like two days for them doing, like, investigating, calling my sister and everything, because I gave them my sister number, right? And after that, after those two days, they sent me over to Miami, to another refuge. So in Miami, I was there for like a week and a half. So they give me a lot of shots, like on my arms. I believe there was in one day they give me like nine or 10 shots, so like five in my right, six or like four in my left, like that. And, yeah, it was kind of like tough too. But, you know, it was like, I feel like I was safe, you know,
Heather Saylor 22:58
Heisel Hernandez 23:00
because they once, I was in Miami, they were, like, they used to wake up and everything we have, like, like a bed, so they wake up, wake us up. It was like, kind of like a group of, like kids, kind of like four or five kids in one room. So we used to go, like, eat first. Once we eat, they used to take us to kind of like classes. So we used to have, like, two, three hours English classes, and then we go to lunch, we have like, another one hour class, and then we go to play a little bit, and then we go back inside, have dinner, and we play a little bit later, and we go to sleep, like, around nine. So, like, that was kind of like the routine once I was in Miami. After that, they sent me over back to New Mexico to another refuge over there. So that one was way different from the one in Miami, because it was kind of like in the desert, like alone and everything, yeah, and it was still like, even more kids over there in the area, but it was kind of like the same process, you know, like, wake up, eat school eat again, and school play. So they used to take us kind of like to this big kind of like, how do I say where they have kind of like a kind of like a theater, but it was not a theater, so it was just like a projector. So they used to take us over there and put us a movie, like we watch a movie and everything. So I have to stay there for like another month, 10 days, something like that. I stayed Thanksgiving over there. They gave us Turkey. It was kind of like one of the first traditions I live in the United States. So after that, no, I was like, Okay, I made some friends inside over there and everything. And I was like, in mind. I was set to, like, stay Christmas and New Years over there, until they gave me, like, the permission to come out. You know,
Heather Saylor 25:07
that’s good.
Heisel Hernandez 25:09
I used to call my mom one week, because they give you one call during, like, one call for a week. So I used to call my mom one week, my sister another week to see what was the process she was doing and everything. And so how I say, like, my mind, I was like, Okay, imma say here for Christmas New York, in New York, in New Year’s Eve, and on New Year’s Day too. So it was like, you know, okay, I’ll do it, because I got friends and everything. And it was one night that I was watching a movie. Was like, around seven, 730 and I was December 18. So I remember one of the ladies that used to take care of us. She comes near me and she’s just like, blowing my ear, and she’s like, Heisel, Heisel, once we get to the room, get your things ready, because you leave in the morning. And I was like, wait, what? What do you what do you say? So, like, at that time, I didn’t get it. And once I told one of my friends that I met over there, oh, you know, she told me that I have to get my things ready when I get over there. And he was like, Oh, so you’re gonna go to your family and everything. And I was like, getting excited, but at the time, I look back and I love all my friends that I met over there, and I feel kind of sad, you know, because it was kind of like a family that I made out of nowhere, because that’s all the support you can have over there. So it was kind of like sad leaving them back. So I asked them for, like, Facebook, Instagrams, and once I came over here, so I flew over from there to here. There was a guy that bring you. So the flights were different. Once you fly, like, to the refugees, you go, like, with a lot of kids and kind of like in a private plane, but that flight Once you get out, like to go to your family, it’s kind of like you have a guide with you, and it’s kind of like two, three more kids that go near the area. So I was me and two more kids that they were coming nearby. So we land on Reagan airport, and it was, it was very fun. So it was like, okay, the guy, the guy was fun and everything, he was nasty, because we, we did, kind of like a scale on Atlanta. So over there we were, like, having just eating and everything was because he buy us food, and I don’t know where, like, once we were done eating and everything, we’re like, okay, guys listen, and I don’t know where he fought. That was kind of like fun. But after that, so we took the other flight to came over here, like, to Virginia. And once we came, so I went and see my like, my sister, my two brothers, my nephews, were waiting for me with like, balloons. So I was very excited. So I just went and hugged them, and I didn’t pay attention to the guy, I believe my sister went and kind of like some sign, some paper papers that he had her. But after that, I was like, Okay I’m with my family already, no, that’s a whole journey.
Heather Saylor 28:24
That’s cool. That’s awesome. So, like, like, once you were in, like, DC, like in Virginia, like, what were like your first impressions, like, as you were, like, going around and, like, going out with your sister and your brothers and stuff. And like, just exploring, like, what were your first impressions of people like the area, like everything, like, what did you think of everything?
Heisel Hernandez 28:49
So at the beginning it was like, kind of like, it was cold, because it was kind of like in a rainy day. So we use land to like the from the airport to like the apartment, and just, I was just looking around all over. I was in a tablet. I call it my mom, my sisters back in Guatemala, because they were excited to about him. So it was, I kind of, like, didn’t pay too much attention to, like, what was around all that much, because I was, like, focusing my family at that time. But once we get to the apartment, I was like, Okay, this seems different, you know, because they have, like, how do I say? How do I say? Because I didn’t know, like, nothing about over here, you know,
Heather Saylor 29:42
Heisel Hernandez 29:42
so I kind of, like, want to use the bathroom, and I was like, Where is the bathroom? So I feel weird when I say that, like, in Spanish, because I was like, you know, I used to know where is everything is in my homework in Guatemala, and over here, know where I’m at. So, yeah, that was kind of like the big i. The first impressions after that, during night, I couldn’t sleep that much because I was like, you know, excited and everything. So one of my brothers used to live in Maryland, he took me over there. He bring me to the mall to buy me clothes and everything. And that was kind of like my second impression too, because we were in a mall over there, and I was like, Oh, this looks big,
Heather Saylor 30:27
Heisel Hernandez 30:28
That was just looking around, trying to get like things. It was like, get all you want and everything. So I started grabbing, like, pants, clothes and like, all the news, right? Yeah. That was basically When you were, like, shopping, were you like, going for like, the things that were like, like on display, or were you like, going for stuff that was like, kind of your style, like, so I kind of, like, didn’t know that much, because we went to like a Nike store inside the mall, so I was just like, grabbing, kind of Like a sweater, because it was cold, they grabbed, kind of like a sweaters, like two sweaters. I grabbed, like, four or five pants, some socks, and just basically use, like, what I needed for the moment, you know. And once the time was going by, one, like, they keep taking me to get, like more clothes. So I get like more, kind of, like, more jeans, like regular shirts and everything. So, yep,
Heather Saylor 31:26
um, I forgot to ask this earlier, but like, what year did you immigrate here?
Heisel Hernandez 31:33
Heather Saylor 31:34
2016, okay, that’s what I thought That’swhat I thought. That’s what I thought. And then, um, like, were you ever like, scared, like, going out? Like, did you ever have like, fear, like, just because, like, you know,
Heisel Hernandez 31:35
16. over here?
Heather Saylor 31:48
yeah, like, you immigrated here. Like, did you ever like fear, like, Oh, my God, like, somebody’s gonna come and take me back. Like, you know, like people are like, you know, ICE might come or something like that. Like someone might come and take me away at any point. Like,
Heisel Hernandez 31:59
yeah, um, I would say, not really, because they give me kind of like, kind of like a picture thing. And, like, I bring a lot of papers with me too, from the size that I were over there. So they were like, Okay, if you ever get stopped or anything, you showed them, like, these papers and told them that you have an immigration an immigration process. So I wasn’t kind of like that scared going out or anything. And, yeah,
Heather Saylor 32:31
so like, what’s your status? Like, right now? Like, like, like, yeah,
Heisel Hernandez 32:38
yeah. Like, the immigration status?
Heather Saylor 32:39
Heisel Hernandez 32:40
So I applied for the asylum. I’m a student process for the asylum, but at the moment, I got my work permit and my social so I’m kind of, like, Legally stay in United States. I got a DMV and my license, and they asked me for my, like, my work permit, and if, kind of, like, it’s expired. So once you’re renewing the USCIS change, you kind of like a receive notice that they have it. So you need to take on, like, all those papers to a DMV, and they scan that. So, yes, okay, alright. And then, um, like, since you did come when you were 16, like, I know 16 is like, when you’re able to start working in the US. Did you try to find work as soon as you came here? Or were you, like, focused on school until like that time? So I was more focusing in school, because how I say like in the refuges that I was so they were like, okay, one of the main things for you. You’re like a minor. You will have, like a process with immigration, so what they’re gonna look for you? You go to school, you stay in school, you have a good grades and everything. So in my mind, that was kind of like of the big things. So I was focusing on school and everything. And it was kind of like after a year that I was like, okay, when I get my work permit, I was like, Okay, I’m gonna see what I can do and everything. So I went and started with my brothers what they used to work in Clarendon at a restaurant, so they bring me in as a dishwasher first, and because I barely knew some English by the time, so I was, like, working the dishwasher time, like, weekdays from like 430 or five, I remember, because I used to get out of school and, like, give me some time to get there, to like, 10, I believe it was. And weekend was kind of like 9am to, like 1am so that was, like, the big deal. And once I was there, I remember the manager names Timmy. So I was like, trying to speak with him, like in English, because my brothers, they were like, kind of like, barback and foodrunners. So I was like trying to speak to him, like, hey, Timmy, and everything, you know, I. And he was like, like, kind of like, six months later, he was like, Okay, if you have a friend, bring your friend in, and we leave him in the dishwasher, like, kind of like spot, and I move you over to, kind of like a busser and food running, you know, to start over. So I was like, okay, like, two weeks later, I bring a friend and he was like, Okay, we’re gonna hire him. And they moved me outside. So once they moved me outside, was like, different to, I mean, I already know, like, my coworkers and everything, but it was like, Okay, now I have to, like, deal with customers, talk with them and everything. So it was like, I was, like, a scared, and I have to work during that time. I have to work from like four or 430 till like 12 or 1230 because they used to do kind of like, kind of like a club thing, from like Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So I used to get out, like, a little later. And that was kind of like the toughest time, because I used to get home, like, around one, 130 in, like, how I say the other day, wake up, go to school, and, well, that was like, kind of like when I still feeling like, a little tough,
Heather Saylor 36:21
Heisel Hernandez 36:21
but once again, like, in the role of playing it the same thing, like, kind of, like every day, so they are got it,
Heather Saylor 36:28
so it wasn’t really hard for you to find work, because, like, your brothers got you the job,
Heisel Hernandez 36:33
yeah? So they because they hang along very well with the owner over there, still, nowadays, soon, but now they work different places, me too, but we still get along with the owner of the place, the restaurant, and so, yeah, it was pretty easy.
Heather Saylor 36:49
That’s good. Was it hard? Like, when you decided to leave there and go somewhere else? Was it like hard to get, like, a different job? Like,
Heisel Hernandez 36:56
no, because by that time, I believe it was like 2019 so I had more friends in high school already in I remember I used to be in JROTC, like the army program, so over there, I mean, like more friends and everything. And we used to go, like to competitions, to like another schools. So it was a time that I have to take, like, the decision. We were like, either work or go, like, to this competition. So I was like, Okay, I’m gonna put my two weeks in and I’m gonna let another competition, because they want me to work. Because it was kind of like a, like, one of the business days, I think it was. So they were like, Okay, you need to work. Yes, yes. Now we’re like, okay, so I’m gonna put my two weeks in, because I’m gonna go to this school competition, you know, I really love it and everything. So once the two weeks passed by, one of my friends, he used to work at Cava, so they Well, I went and talked like, with the Cava GM. So once the competition was gone, right? Like, two, three days later, I went and started working at Cava. I started a prep over there. So I was doing like, kind of like the preparation for, like, the Cava made it like, chicken toppings, you know, all the things and kind of like, I’m a little sneaky. So I was just like, going to the line to the grill, watching what they were doing. And I learned the grill after that. So although okay, I learned, I learned about myself after them. I jumped to the line. So I was like, Okay, I hope you guys are nice to help the customers too, and they promote me to kind of like a culinary lead, kind of like a kitchen supervisor. So okay, I was like, you know, I have, like a child on so I have to work kind of like same days, like am or night and two months after, they promoted to a guest experience Manager, which was more like focusing line, like the food, interacting with guests. So yeah, it was fun. I was there for like, two, three years, almost, so like a tune. And after that was, like, pretty comfortable with the area, so I had more friends that was, you know, like, more, like, kind of, like an open book. So, yeah,
Heather Saylor 39:27
yeah, um, so at school, you were taking English learning classes, right?
Heisel Hernandez 39:34
Yeah, English learning.
Heather Saylor 39:36
And then did like, would you say, like that helped you a lot. And or like, would you say, like your work experience helped you a lot more, like, when learning the language.
Heisel Hernandez 39:45
So I will say, when learning the language, because I, when I start school over here, I start ninth grade. So I started around February, on 201. So I just went for like, five six years. So no five six months. Sorry, once the year end, they put me back in ninth grade, but with 10 classes, so, like, with classes from like 10th grade. So I was like, I can do it. And I did it like that. Then I went to a 10th grade, and I had a regular 10 grade classes, but some like, with grades, kind of like a honor history, or, like, honor algebra, so something like that. And then when I was in 11, I took 11 and 12 together because I barely just needed a, kind of, like, two, three more credits. So I, like my counselor, was like, Okay, if you do like, these two years together, it’s gonna be easier for you. You can get, like, like an hour early, like a class early, and, yeah, it will help you align. I was like, Okay, I’ll do it. So I will say school helped me out more on words like, kind of like learning like how to read, how to write and how to like, kind of like spell words. But I feel like, kind of like learning how to talk and everything. It was mostly on my first job when I became a busser and food runner.
Heather Saylor 41:26
Heisel Hernandez 41:26
because over there I talked like with the server first. So they were like, talking to me and everything. And I remember I used to take like their orders, because I knew like their numbers. They given it to me. So I remember is to go to customers, like, interact with them, and I take the order, and once the server notice I have, like, the order already in the system, they were like, Oh, thank you and everything. So they were like, happy with that. And I was happy because I was learning, right? So I would say, work helped me out more like, kind of like learning, but like to speak and like to read it and write it was a high school, yeah,
Heather Saylor 42:08
um, like, how long would you say, like, it took you to, like, kind of, like, feel comfortable like speaking and also, like understanding English.
Heisel Hernandez 42:17
I will say, like, three years, maybe
Heather Saylor 42:22
three years,
Heisel Hernandez 42:24
because in a school, even the teachers, they were like, Okay, if someone needs help, you’re gonna help them out, because you understand the most. And yeah, so,
Heather Saylor 42:35
um, did so, like, did your brother and like, your sister also help you out with, like, learning as well, since they’ve been here for a while. And, like,
Heisel Hernandez 42:44
yes, so mostly one of my brothers, he speaks very well English too, because he took some kind of, like, just English classes for like, one or two years, and he learned a lot. So he helped me a lot. So my sister does speak to what is kind of like less, and it was mostly when one of my nephews, when they start, like, no middle school, what is that kinder?
Heather Saylor 43:13
Yeah, Because they were like, kind of like learning, yeah. So they were like trying to speak in English, because, you know, they got, like, the worst they come from school and everything. So I was, like speaking back to them and like that. So, yeah, Kindergarten? that’s cool. Um, so like going into like the cultural aspects of everything, like, what would you feel is like the hardest like part of like, adjusting to, like the culture of us, or like integrating your culture that you had from Guatemala into your US culture that you’ve gained as well?
Heisel Hernandez 43:47
So I will say one of the biggest one might be like Christmas or New Year’s New York day. I still with New York, New Years. So I would say, what, like, those two or, like, what is that? There’s another one too. Like, four of july too, I believe those three, because, like, four of july likeover here. How say is, like, the Independence Days, right? Yeah, a lot of people, like, goes, like, to the beaches, like, and everything. So that’s one because over there for like, Independence Days, you go, like, to do the thing that I told you, like, with the torches and like the day of independence, which is a September 15, you do, like, kind of like you’re still in school. So you do, like, kind of like, kind of like a parade around, like the village, and you do kind of like acts in the school, so there’s a lot of people going watch that, and, yeah, so that’s one. Then at Christmas, same thing is, like, over there, you were allowed to do fireworks all year. And. And like, whenever you want. So it was like starting like December, like, from December 1 to like all around I used to play with my cousins friends over there, like, with the fireworks for Christmas Day, once it hit 12, there’s like, all people like, kind of like, in the center of the village, like doing fireworks, like hugging each other. And my first Christmas over here, I was like, Okay, I dress up. I shower. So I dress up. And I went down to my brother’s house, and it was like, I feel like a little like, sad and different. Because I was like, Okay, what do we do now? And we was just like, all like, over there, like all the family over there together, like in the couch, talking, like, eating. And I was like, okay, when the fireworks gonna come out. And they were like, no, there is no fireworks. Yeah. And I was like, Okay, so that’s what got me like to like to the sad side. But like, after that year, I was okay, you know, I already kinda know how it is, so I start doing it. We did all the gifts. So that’s one of the different things, too. Because over there, like, how say the tradition is more like, go around, hug people, like, do the fireworks. And over here, the tradition is more like gifts, spend time with family too, right, and everything. But, um, it was, like, you know, a lot of gifts and everything. So, like, very surprised too, so that they can be happy. Yeah, yeah.
Heather Saylor 46:34
Um, so like, how like, do you stay connected with, like, your roots and culture from home while being here, like, I know, through those holidays. But like, is there other ways that you do it as well
Heisel Hernandez 46:50
over here?
Heather Saylor 46:51
Like, do you go to, like, events that are like, based around your culture? Like, do you like, do you have meetups with people from there, like, things like that.
Heisel Hernandez 47:02
Not really, not really, because I get along with the cultural views very well a lot. So it’s like, kind of like, I live here, you know, I have to, kind of like, learn the language and everything. So the cultures is not really it’s mor like when they do kind of, like, big festivals. For example, they did one from Guatemala. They do one from Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras. But I haven’t been to the Guatemalan one. Like, I don’t have too much Guatemalan friends. I only have like, two, three Guatemalans friends over here. So most of my friends are like, Salvadorians and Hondurans. So we ended up going to a Salvadorian Festival, and it’s kind of like the same to a Guatemalan festival. So I was like, it’s kind of like that so.
Heather Saylor 47:59
Um, like, how do you feel you’ve, like, changed or grown since, like, moving here? Like, what do you feel like you’ve learned about yourself, like coming here and like, what you’ve learned about being here?
Heisel Hernandez 48:12
I’ve learned a lot, so mostly like you’re on your own, like you’re independent or of your own, like personality, or what you’re gonna decide to do with your life. So it’s like, either you take action or nobody else do it for you. So that’s one of the things, because, yeah, so takes a lot of like, challenge for someone that has never been in this country and came and tried to get along with everything. So like, for example, when I start working, I have to, like, pay rent and everything. And I was like, Okay, I didn’t do this in Guatemala, so that’s one of the things. I kind of like, send money back to my mom whenever she needs, like she has to go to the hospital or anything. I send money to her. So that makes me feel good because I wasn’t able to do that while in Guatemala. So that makes me good and happy, because, you know, I can help out, just not my family, but if I can help out someone else, I know I have, like, more opportunity over here to do them. So yeah,
Heather Saylor 49:38
And like, like you said you send money back home. Do you send money back home, like every paycheck, or like every time you get paid? Or is it just like you said, like whenever your mom needs it, like whenever she asks for it?
Heisel Hernandez 49:49
Whenever my mom’s later, or like any of my family members, or when I feel like, okay, you know, I have like a, kind of like a, like a blessing at work. So I was like, Okay. Like, do my mom too so ,
Heather Saylor 50:02
um. So, like, yeah, it’s so like, um, it’s like, very like, close knit community back there. Like, like, when you came here, like, how was like, how did you feel about it not being like that here? Because, like, here, you know your neighbors. You don’t really talk with your neighbors kind of thing, you know, you don’t really associate with the people you’re near. So, like, what was that like? Like, how did you feel about that? Like, did it hurt you? Like, did you have like, feelings, like, oh, like, why is it like this, or things like that?
Heisel Hernandez 50:36
Yeah. So it was, like, kind of like a big impact. Because, you know, we live in a building that has like, three floors, like 12 apartments. So it was basically just me going down to the second, like the second floor, and go inside my brother’s door, right? And I see, like, all doors around, like, closed and everything and like, it’s kind of like your own properties like that. And over there is like, kind of like you can go to your neighbor, kind of like backyard, they allow you to go in, like, you can go in and be like, Oh, can I get this? I need water, or I need this, like, for example, anything, can I use restroom, anything like that, right? And then here’s like, No, you hide your thing. So it’s like, doing your own that was kind of like one of the big impacts. So, yep,
Heather Saylor 51:38
Yeah it like, felt weird. Like, yeah,
Heisel Hernandez 51:44
Heather Saylor 51:44
especially because, like, you know, you’re coming in, like, completely alone. And like, you know you just want, like, a sense of community. And like, you have that community back at home,
Heisel Hernandez 51:52
Heather Saylor 51:53
yeah. Um, so, like, like, what are your like goals here? Like, like, what are your future goals? Like, being here, like, do you plan to, like, stay here, like, like, for the rest of your life? Like, do you want to go back home and live there someday? Like, like, what do you want to do? Like, have you been back home? Like, those kind of things. Like,
Heisel Hernandez 52:16
yes. So no I haven’t been my home because how I say it, I’m still in process. But once the process will, like, the case get closed, if I am able to go back home, definitely will go like visit and everything. But if not, I mean, I have to stay over here. I’m already here, so I will be kind of like one of like the case too, if the judge allows me to go back home or not, because I came looking for a refuge, right? So this is basically my new country and everything. So like, yeah, my plan is staying here, and if I got the chance to go back home, definitely I would do it, visit on my family. Miss them a lot. So,
Heather Saylor 53:01
yeah, um, so I know you had said like, like, towards the beginning, and maybe I like, got this wrong, but you said that your mom was over here with your brother, like, before you came, so she
Heisel Hernandez 53:13
got visa, kind of like, visitors visa, can say like that,
Heather Saylor 53:19
like a temporary?
Heisel Hernandez 53:21
yeah, so they give it to her for like 10 years, once those years passed, to renew it. So I was here ready, so she renewed. She got it back for like another 10 years, so she’s still able to come like every year, like one like, for example, we want to bring her, like, for Christmas over here. We can do it like, we can buy her a fly and she spend time with us. She go back, like January and come back to, like, March, so she can, like, go in and out with no trouble, because, like, of the visa how I was saying. But, um, yeah, that’s
Heather Saylor 54:02
cool. So at least you still get to see your mom. I mean, it’s not as much.
Heisel Hernandez 54:06
One of the biggest things,
Heather Saylor 54:07
yeah, definitely. I’m trying to think, I guess, is there, like, anything that, like, I like, didn’t touch that like you feel like you want to, like, share about that would like, you know, be helpful to your story.
Heisel Hernandez 54:30
So I don’t know, like, how many people want to see this or not, but like, give future references. If you have any friends from like, around the world and they planning to immigrate for any other country first try to try to know, like, kind of like, for example, why you’re gonna be applying for or follow, following up forum as well. That’s kind of like, one of the most important. Important things. Because if you, like, immigrate to your country, and you don’t know what you’re doing, you basically ruining your future. So it’s a little tough, and so just know what you’re gonna do.
Heather Saylor 55:15
I’m also going back to like, your journey was the like price to come to America was, like, the whole, like, Coyote journey, like, expensive, like, did it like, was it? Was it cost heavy on your family?
Heisel Hernandez 55:31
It was like four or $5,000 so, yeah,
Heather Saylor 55:37
So not a lot for you guys. That sounds like a lot.
Heisel Hernandez 55:45
Well, my three Well, my brother and my like, my bigger brother and my mom, they took the decision to bring me here, right? But my sister, my other brother, they help out too, like, with the money. When I came, they will, like, help out, like, all together. So I don’t know how, because I haven’t asked them or anything, how they feel about that.
Heather Saylor 56:07
So yeah, so it was like a group effort. So yeah, all in one person. That’s good. I can’t really think of anything else. It’s really interesting, though. Like, like, I, like, I, you know, you hear stories about it, but like, it’s like crazy to hear from, like, somebody that you actually, like, know,
Heisel Hernandez 56:28
and like, actually different because, you know, we used to work together and everything. Look about this before, you know, first time. So, yeah, well,
Heather Saylor 56:37
you can’t really talk about that during work type of thing, you know, like, that’s, like, a whole conversation type of thing. That’s so cool though. Like, that’s awesome that you went through like, like, it’s not great that you went through that experience, but it’s also awesome that you went through that experience because you have that story and like, you have, like, the journey and like, those triumphs and everything that you went through and, like, it made you, like, a stronger person in the end. And like, yeah. Like, yeah,
Heisel Hernandez 57:00
Heather Saylor 57:01
Would you do it again?
Heisel Hernandez 57:03
Heather Saylor 57:04
yeah, no. Would you like, Would you ever, like, help somebody like, would like, if, like, say, if, like, one of your family members wanted to come over, would you help them with the process? And like, help them, like, get over and, like, tell them everything to do. And like, you know, make sure they have everything in order.
Heisel Hernandez 57:18
I will definitely help them out if they need it, but it’s kind of, if it’s like, kind of like an emergency. How was like in my case, definitely. But if they want to just do it to come and, you know, okay, be like, be in United States. Or how would call it, like El Sueno Americano, which is like the dream of the United States. So just come in, kind of like, try out, no, yeah, yeah, if they, like, needed and everything, like, yeah, you know, I help them out, But it does like you’re now, because nowadays is, like, way safer over there. I mean, you don’t, you don’t need to you. You get this, you got that. You got my support if you need anything later on, so I can help you out. So, yeah,
Heather Saylor 57:56
right. um, do you know anybody like back home that has, like, tried to, like, cross, and has been unsuccessful since, like, it has gotten stricter on the border, like in the past few years. Like, do you know of anybody or
Heisel Hernandez 58:31
so I know one of my friends. We used to study in the same Kano in high school when I went over there. So it was, like, two, three years ago. I think I believe so I was chatting to with her through, like messenger. She didn’t tell me nothing that she was gonna, like, immigrate or anything, right? And like, after a year, year and a half, I saw, like, her sister posting like stories, the they haven’t found her or anything. So it’s kind of like because they she immigrates too, but she didn’t, she didn’t make it through here, so the family already resigned. She’s dead, so they don’t know where the body is or anything. So, yeah, so that’s, like, one of the toughest things that what does, what I say, if someone’s in my family, you’d want to come in, like, to try out like to live over here. I will say no, because it’s, like, very difficult. I would rather help them out to go, like, and do all the process and needed it to get, like, a visa, if they can get it and they can come legally, you know, yeah, but to do like, to do it like that, no, because it’s, like, it’s a big process, and you don’t know where you’re gonna spare in your in your way. So, yeah. Also
Heather Saylor 1:00:00
really dangerous too,
Heisel Hernandez 1:00:01
Heather Saylor 1:00:02
really dangerous,
Heisel Hernandez 1:00:04
really dangerous. Mostly was one thing like in the desert, so it’s very tough,
Heather Saylor 1:00:10
yeah, um, I was gonna ask something else. It lost my mind. Oh, oh, I can’t remember it right now, darn it, it was a good question too. I forgot. It’s okay if I remember it later, I’ll ask Yeah. Anything else you want to say?
Heisel Hernandez 1:00:41
I don’t know.
Heather Saylor 1:00:42
I know. I feel like we talked about a lot.
Heisel Hernandez 1:00:44
Yeah, I feel like we did already, like, most of it. So I mean, like, wasn’t because I like, I use like, from the beginning today. So where am I nowadays? Is like, Okay, I see my past and it’s like, oh, you know, very tough time. So I met it through here. Thank God.
Heather Saylor 1:01:09
I’m like, now you’re now you’re doing well,
Heisel Hernandez 1:01:12
Heather Saylor 1:01:13
yeah. Like, what do you feel like you’re gonna like, you’re like, say, like, next two year plans are,
Heisel Hernandez 1:01:20
um, my next two years. So 2025, I’m a little excited. You know, there’s, I like soccer a lot. So going they have, like this FIFA World club matches over here, they’re gonna have, like, in the Audi field, some of them, which is in the DC so I’m pretty excited, because I think I might go with some friends over there to watch some games 2026 you know, the World Cup is going to be in United States too. So hopefully I get the money and the change. God give me the opportunity to go also. It’s another big experience, because I went this year to watch one of the semi finals of like, Copa America in New York, and it was Argentina against Canada. And it was, I couldn’t believe it, because I was like, you know, I’m from this place, and I’m here at this time. And it was like, you know, I was like, on the stadium, and I was calling, like, my my sisters back in Guatemala, my mom, and I was like, you know, guys, look where I’m at right now.
Heather Saylor 1:01:40
That’s cool. Yeah, hopefully you get to do those. Hopefully, Yes, that’d be cool. All right. Well, cool. Well, thank you for this interview and your time and willingness to, like, share your story. Like that was awesome. Like, of course, always learn about it was awesome to learn everything and just, you know, get some insight more on you. Yeah,
Heisel Hernandez 1:02:57
yeah. And it was good for me to like, express it out too, because a lot of people use, like, keep them for for themselves. So that kind of, like, get you inside with time, kind of like, gets you, like, a little depressed, or anything even that you don’t talk about, like, why you live. So it helps, it helps out too. So,
Heather Saylor 1:03:18
yeah, it’s really dense, it’s definitely something that you need to talk about. Like, keeping that inside is very dense, you know, like, yeah, yeah, definitely talk about it like that. I guess that brings up a question. Like, do like, how like, do you talk? Do you talk about your experience with other immigrants that you are friends with? Or, like, have you guys, like, talked about your experiences? Like, do you guys share, connect on that level? Type of thing,
Heisel Hernandez 1:03:47
I will say, depends in the cases. Because, for example, I got one friend, one of my best friends, he kind of like, leave the same process as me, like we talk about it and everything, but he applied for like, which is like a VISAU a visa ouu, and which is like a juvenile visa, something like that, like you’re a minor. So they got well, he got his residence, and as soon as he got his residence, he went into the army. So now he over there, he almost, he signed for like, a three year contract, so he’s, like, his second year. He’s in Poland right now, so I’m excited because he’s coming in January, so we’re gonna meet again. And, you know, yeah,
Heather Saylor 1:04:34
that’s cool.
Heisel Hernandez 1:04:35
That’s that was another thing. Like, I try, like, I speak with the recruiters and everything. If I can join the army, because I like it soon and like I told them, like, I have my social like, on my work permit. But they’re like, No, you need your green card. So in order to gain because, probably because you’re traveling around, you know that’s why you need it. But if I get the opportunity later on. Do it. If it’s not too late, definitely, we’ll do it too. Yeah,
Heather Saylor 1:05:02
yeah. That made me think of my question. Oh, so. So, since you were under 18, would you say it was easier for you to get across like, like to cross the border, as opposed to like, your like, the friend or other guy that you had made that was 28 like, like, was it easier for you since you were underage?
Heisel Hernandez 1:05:25
Yeah, so my side were, were, like, more easy, like, in just crossing the border, and, like, cross the border, and how, say, like, an official came to me and they took me over, right? But for like, other person that are already, like, 18 and older. So it’s way difficult, because they have to, like, do I say they have to, like, find a way to wait, like, 2-3am still, to wait, if the nobody is around looking they cross the border. They go through the desert, once, like the desert of United States. So they go through the desert. They made it to, like, another place, like, kind of like Houston, if I can say like that. So is way difficult compared just to those two sides,
Heather Saylor 1:06:22
yeah. So, like, the kids still just like, let over, but like the adults, they have to, like, actually, like, find their way over.
Heisel Hernandez 1:06:30
Heather Saylor 1:06:30
Heisel Hernandez 1:06:30
If you made it like, how say, when my friend does she try it out? Like, if you made it like, glad you did. But if not, like, you got consequences too, so
Heather Saylor 1:06:41
yeah. And then, um, that also brings another question. Say, like you were say things didn’t work out at the border, if you like, would you have been sent back to Guatemala? And would you have like, faced, like consequences, or like punishment, or anything for leaving?
Heisel Hernandez 1:06:59
Probably yes, so that will be like, the best answer. Like, probably yes, yeah,
Heather Saylor 1:07:04
yeah. I mean, you didn’t face that, but like, yeah, yeah. Like, like, like, even as a juvenile, you would have faced the consequences, or would have been like, your like, do you think it would have been like your mother who would have faced those consequences?
Heisel Hernandez 1:07:21
Like, back in Guatemala, or in here, like,
Heather Saylor 1:07:24
back in Guatemala,
Heisel Hernandez 1:07:26
it probably will, like, be met first, and then my family.
Heather Saylor 1:07:30
Yeah, well, at least it didn’t happen that way and everything, not at all. So glad it didn’t glad everything went smooth. I don’t think I have anything else. Do you have anything else?
Heisel Hernandez 1:07:43
I don’t think so neither.
Heather Saylor 1:07:45
All right, then I’m gonna end the interview. Thank you.
Heisel Hernandez 1:07:49
You’re welcome.
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