Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA). JMU’s chapter, Gamma Beta, was founded in 1994 and is part of the almost 300 chapters worldwide. LPH’s purpose is, “to educate and honor students in the field of communication, while giving them a forum within which they can voice opinions and be active in promoting understanding of the field through service on campus and in the community.”

In a recent interview with the chapter’s advisor, Professor April Roth, they recently inducted 20 new
members, which is roughly 30% more than last year.

LPERoth also mentioned that an advantage to being a part of LPH is being able to attend their meetings. LPH consistently has great speakers (such as Mark Anderson from C.A.P and Dr. Lori Britt) who present on building and enhancing resumes, how to utilize social media, and other great workshops. Members and those interested can also check out their bulletin board, located on the first floor of Harrison, for updates and upcoming events.

Furthermore, members are encouraged to join LPH’s executive team, which is voted on by those in the chapter.

“My favorite part of being in Lambda Pi Eta has been getting to hear all the great speakers we have had at each meeting,” stated Alyssa Wolf (’16), current vice president. “We have had all types of talks, from resume workshops to a speech on ‘The Most Important Lesson I Learned From My Communication Education.’  I always enjoy hearing what the speakers have to say and taking their great advice.”

Those interested in LPH are encouraged to attend their next meeting, which is on March 27 at 7 PM.