[Listening Post] Be the Change

We are all humans. As humans, we find stories about other humans to be interesting. They can be inspiring, heart-breaking or funny. This is why the JMU blog, Be the Change, is worth a read. The blog contains human stories about how people are living the motto, “Be the Change.” As SCOM students, we should be especially interested in these human stories. We can look at how the bloggers use their words to construct a reality. We can build relationships through discussion. We can use these stories to learn about our field of study.

Gil Welsford, a 2012 alumnus, had an inspiring story about how powerful the little are in life. “People feel like they have to do something big to change someone’s life, but doing small things can be so powerful. I truly do feel like smiling at somebody who’s sitting on the street will save their life,” Welsford said. He also spoke about his desire to make the world a better place by using his College of Business education. As SCOM students, we could use his story to promote JMU and Be the Change. The  Be the Change blog is full of stories like Gil’s. Be the Change can be a great resource for SCOM students. Whether we use it for publicity purposes by promoting the stories, for research purposes or just to be inspired, Be the Change is worth the read.

If you would like more information about Be the Change, email them at BetheChange@jmu.edu or post a comment on their blog.