There are two upcoming events this week to kick-off the eventful month of April!
36th Annual SCOM Conference
JMU SCOM will hold it’s 36th Annual conference from April 7th- 9th.

(click imagee for Facebook event page)
“Takin’ It to the Streets:” Promoting Social Justice through Communication Activiism Scholarship by Dr. Lawrence Frey will kick off the Conference. It will take place in Highlands Festival Conference Center at 7-8pm.
Here is a brief schedule of the conferences:
Monday (7th)
Pre-Conference Workshop 3:30-4:30pm @ Harrison 1290
Conference Start 7-8:15pm @Highlands, Festival Conference Center
Tuesday (8th)
Paper Session 1:Social Movements and Cultural Change 9:30 – 10:45am @ Transitions,Warren
Paper Session 2: Communicate Criticism and Popular Culture 11-12:15pm @ Transitions, Warren
Paper Session 3: Independent Research Projects 12:30-1:45pm @ Transitions, Warren
Paper Session 4: Communication and College Life 2-3pm @ Transitions, Warren
Information Session: Graduate Degree in Communication and Advocacy 3:30-4:30pm @ Transitions, Warren
Wednesday (9th)
Paper Session 5: Mediated Communication and Identities 9:05-9:55am @ Transitions, Warren
Paper Session 6: Presidential and Public Rhetoric 10:10-11am @ Transitions, Warren
Paper Session 7 : Honors Theses 11:15-12pm @ Transitions, Warren
Since there are multiple sessions, find ones that fit your schedule and attend. You will be able to find out interesting information as well as supporting your classmates.
For the full program you can find it at our Facebook event page.
SCOM Alumni Day
The day is finally here! This Friday will be the ‘Springboard Into the Future’ Alumni event!

(click image for Facebook event page)
Five Alumni Panel Presentations in Harrison 0102:
– Panel 1: (9:05-9:55) Entering into the Fast Paced World of For-Profit Organization’s: What to Expect!
– Panel 2: (10:10-11:00) “I graduated with a degree in Communication Studies… Now what?!”
– Panel 3: (11:15-12:05) Branding and Planning the Career of Your Dreams
– Panel 4: (12:20-1:10) Networking Like an All Star: The Ins and Outs of Building Professional Relationships
– Panel 5: (1:25-2:15) Inside the World of Public Relations: From the Day to Day to the Big Picture
Student-Alumni Lunch in Harrison 1290 from 11:30-2pm
Afterwards come out to the Alumni Awards Picnic in the courtyard behind Harrison and Ashby at 3pm!!
Enjoy a sunny Friday mingling with your classmates, faculty members and alumni! This will be a great opportunity to network as well as get to know others in SCOM!
We will be updating our Facebook and Twitter page during these events so please stay tuned through these outlets as well!
Please let us know if you have any news to share with us. You can contact Dr. Isaac Woo (, Karen Kim ( or Colby Boone ( for a blog story idea.f