SCOM Week 2015

The School of Communication Studies just wrapped up its 37th Annual Communication Studies Conference last week. The conference ran from April 13-15 and kicked off Monday night with the keynote address given by Dr. J. David Cisneros from the University of Illinois. Collectively, there were 25 papers presented by 50 students with 22 guest faculty discussants.

Beginning Tuesday morning and lasting till Wednesday afternoon, a variety of student speakers presented their research papers. The topics varied from communication and digital media, persuasion, identity, relationships, well-being, honors theses and more. Some papers had been completed and the presenters expounded on their findings, while others are still in the process of concluding and the outcomes were to be determined.

The director of the conference, Dr. Carlos Aleman, explained to the audiences how each presenter was hand picked by their professor. These students had displayed exceptional research, study and work habits and therefore had the honor of sharing their findings with those in attendance.

Furthermore, guests and speakers could follow along via social media, using the hashtag #SCOMcon2015 to see various pictures and updates throughout the week.

One presenter, Marlena Luciano (’16), talked about her experience presenting at the conference, “Presenting for SCOM week was an incredible experience. Although this was our first time conducting research, we still gained valuable practice in presenting a topic that interested us and received feedback from faculty and other professionals. It taught us the importance of continuing our knowledge in the field of communication by asking questions and finding answers through research.”

As in years past, Top Presentation honors are selected by faculty discussants’ assessments of the clarity of purpose, organization, professionalism, informative value, and level of engagement. This year the following presenters earning highest marks were:

“Crisis Communication and Sexual Assault on College Campuses.” (Julie Hirschhorn)

“Students as Neighbors Employing Dialogue and Deliberation to Manage Town-Gown Tensions.” (Lauren Holder, Courtney Herb & Alison Steed)

“Public Relations Promotion to Advance Child Reading and Literacy.” (Rosemarie McGinty)

To find out more about this year’s conference, the individual speakers and their topics, or information about previous years, you can visit their webpage by clicking here.


Student Worker Appreciation Week: Honoring two members of our SCOM family

“Family,” a word used often by the SCOM Program Support Technician, Gretchen Hansen, has become a motif to describe the School of Communication Studies’ atmosphere and the people of Harrison Hall.  As we near the end of the semester and a very busy April, it is important to recognize the members of our family that sometimes go unnoticed by the general body for their hard work and dedication to the success of our program.

In celebration of Student Worker Appreciation Week, April 13 through April 20, the SCOM family would like to honor Kelsey Evans and Logan Caldwell for their years of service in the SCOM office and their contributions to the School of Communication Studies.

Student Worker Appreciation Week
Gretchen Hansen (middle) and her student assistants Kelsey (left) and Logan (right).


Read more Student Worker Appreciation Week: Honoring two members of our SCOM family

Alumni Advise Students for the Future


The Communications Studies Careers Conference, Taking Off to New Horizons: Ideas, Advice, Opportunities, was last week. Positive vibes and JMU love was spread throughout Harrison Hall as alumni advised students on life after college. There were sessions starting at 9:05am until 4:25pm on topics ranging from the different concentrations within SCOM, to résumé reviews, to mock interviews, to what to expect after graduation, and much more.

“The pot at the end of the rainbow may be filled with gold,” quotes alumnus Rob Burke (’85). With all class years in attendance at the conference, students asked questions relevant to all aspects of the communications field. However, transitioning out of college was an overarching topic Read more Alumni Advise Students for the Future

The Organizational Communication Experience

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Seniors in SCOM 450: Advanced Studies in Organizational Communication had nothing but positive feedback about their concentration and the professors within it. After understanding the theories and concepts related to Organizational Communication, students work in teams to apply them during their capstone class. Seniors explain that the concentration has taught them to work in teams, work toward an overarching mission, and understand different settings and clients while applying class concepts.

Throughout the semester, seniors have been working in teams to implement campaigns for organizations in the Harrisonburg community. Within each team are dyads and triads who work on social media, marketing, and event planning on behalf of their class client. Listed below are more details about each project which we encourage all SCOM students and faculty to continue supporting!

Read more The Organizational Communication Experience