Introducing….Dr. Sims

Christy-Dale Sims has joined us as a part of the SCOM department and said, “I’m grateful for how both students and faculty have welcomed me!” Read on to hear more about her experiences with JMU and how she went caving for the first time in Harrisonburg!

Dr. Sims caving
August 2013- Caving in an yet-unnamed cave in VA

 What surprised you the most about JMU students so far?

I work with mostly first year students, and a pleasant surprise has been their enthusiasm for JMU itself- everyone is excited to not only be in college, but to be HERE for college. I appreciate how quickly they make friends with one another in class, despite coming from all majors, all parts of campus, and having very different interests.

 What are you looking forward to most here at JMU?

I’m excited for JMU’s commitment to excellence in the classroom, and pursuing the resources available here to achieve it. I certainly don’t mind being on such a beautiful campus!

 If you could teach a class in any area, what would it be and why?

I’m a rhetorician interested in how collective remembering shapes our understanding of and interactions about race, nation, and gender. Based on those interests, I’d love to teach an advocacy class about how social differences such as race, gender, ability, class, age, and other differences have affected our messages/rhetoric about who belongs in the national community, both past and present. I believe that calling out those common messages that many people overlook helps people see how everyday discourses shape our world, and how by changing them, we can create positive social change. I’d probably call it something along the lines of Advocacy and Discourses of Difference.

 What is your favorite aspect of the JMU culture?

The JMU culture is very supportive of faculty members as teachers, not only as researchers, an environment I enjoy. It’s also great to be in a place where people are genuinely interested in your life outside of the office.

 Did you find any fun places around Harrisonburg? 

August 2013-Dr. Sims climbing Old Rag
August 2013-Dr. Sims climbing Old Rag


I’m a big fan of the outdoors, and like to spend as much time as I can adventuring and am fortunate that the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area has so much to offer! I am a rock climber, but I am branching out and recently went caving. I had the good fortune to be invited to helped survey and photograph a wild cave that had only been discovered the day before! My first caving trip found me underground for 12 hours, exploring a cave where no one else had ever been before, helping map and photograph it for further exploration. It was an exciting—and muddy!—experience that I hope to have again.  Above ground, I’ve also been spending time in Shenandoah National Forest, where I’ve hiked Old Rag Mountain and am seeking out sections of the Appalachian Trail, and I recently visited the New Rover gorge in WV for some very scenic rock climbing!



Dr. Sims is excited to be here at JMU and will definitely help mold the freshman into passionate members of the JMU community.

Stay tuned for two more faculty introductions tomorrow!

Introducing….Dr. Schill

Dr. Schill HeadshotSCOM hired six new wonderful faculty members entering the fall 2013 semester.

This week, I will post introductions of new faculty members at SCOM.

Dr. Schill has joined the SCOM faculty, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Schill and hear his passion for advocacy and politics, along with instilling this passion in his students.

What stands out the most about JMU students so far?

He is excited to see students’ commitment to service here at JMU and in our local community. At JMU he has already noticed that these are “students that want to engage and make a difference”

What are you looking forward to most here at JMU?

His first response was an excitement to work with the students. He also has the opportunity to work with the first class of students in the Communication and Advocacy graduate program, whom include a wide variety of students from all over the United States. On the other end of the spectrum, Dr. Schill is teaching group GCOM and is looking forward to “growing students at the undergrad level.” Additionally, Dr. Schill said he was excited to collaborate with the accomplished faculty in the School of Communication Studies.

If you could teach a class in any area, what would it be and why?

“I am lucky in that I get to teach and conduct research in the area that I am most passionate about, political advocacy,” Dr. Schill said, “The classes I teach are exactly what I want to be doing.” It also helpful to be close to Washington, D.C., he said. His interest in political advocacy stems from seeing how political communication can propel political change and mobilize people for a cause. As a professor he has the ability to help people and students develop their voice and navigate this world.

Overall, Dr. Schill is, “really excited to work with students” and encourages them to come by his office.


Please feel free to leave a message welcoming Dr. .Schill to the SCOM.