[Blog Post] Kathy Clarke

SCOM students have many great resources to help with school work. One of those resources is SCOM Librarian, Kathy Clarke. Kathy is the person who buys all of the journals, books and movies that we use to assist us with our research projects. In addition to those responsibilities, Kathy also helps out in the classroom, to get our research off the ground.

I had a chance to interview Kathy and ask her a few questions.

Question “What do you do to help SCOM students?”

Kathy “I help the SCOM 280 classes, to show them what research is about. We look at how we would study a topic, how we would find information about the topic, and how would we look at it from a communication studies perspective.”

Question “How do you help individual students with their research?”

Kathy “If a student is stuck on their research, we look for things to study.”

Question “Why do you like being the SCOM librarian?”

Kathy “Communication Studies comes at you in a different way. It’s very interesting”

Question “What else do you do as the SCOM librarian?”

Kathy “I help out with the Debate team and IE. If the topic was something not related to communication, I would help them to find that research”

If you would like more information about how Kathy can help you, visit the libraries  Communication Studies website.


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