
Write down your top three management principles in an instrumental music classroom. What are the essential principles you want your students to understand and follow? Share these principles in small groups or as a class. Where do you and your classmates differ? Why...


Unfortunately, 21st century assessment of student learning in public schools has often become a political issue tied to district funding, teacher evaluation, and a host other variables seemingly tangential if not completely removed from actual student learning. While...


Experienced teachers often develop a natural sense of activity sequence. They can identify the most fundamental aspect of an objective and build a logical progression of activities from that. They often make it look easy; however, good sequencing requires not only...


When writing objectives, the teacher must write from a student learning orientation, which is why so many formats begin with the stem, “The students will…” Any statement indicating teacher behaviors, e.g. “The teacher will instruct students to play the concert Bb...

Lesson Planning

Lesson plans represent teachers’ thinking and preparation entering into a class. They can take many different forms, from a detailed script for the teacher to follow almost word for word or just a basic outline for the direction of a class. The form and format of...


One of the most important considerations in good music education, yet one that is often out of the control of teachers, is scheduling. Consistent contact with students is integral to effective curricular planning, instruction, and assessment. One size does not fit...