This Monday, October 21, you can hear about the 3-SPACE classroom at the Teaching and Learning with Technology “Blended Futures” Conference, sponsored by the JMU Center for Instructional Technology.  Our talk is 1:30-2:10 in Festival Ballroom B.

We made a special 3D model for CIT to bring to the conference, based on their logo design:


Abstract:  JMU 3-SPACE is a new 3D-printing classroom that is open to the entire university community. We seek faculty and students who want to initiate classes, labs, and projects using our facilities, which include eleven Afinia H-Series 3D printers. The JMU 3-SPACE classroom gives students the opportunity to experience an interactive DIY/maker environment that will help them succeed in future STEM courses and an increasingly technological society. 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process whereby objects are built up from plastic filament, liquid resin, layers of powder, or even bio-compatible and edible materials. Desktop 3D printing is today’s printing press, putting rapid prototyping, customizable products, and individualized medical appliances in reach of the general public. Literacy in basic 3D modeling and manufacturing is an essential skill for future STEM success in this country. In this presentation we will discuss the 3D printing technology available in the JMU 3-SPACE classroom and give an active demonstration of a model being 3D printed. We will also discuss potential uses for 3-SPACE in future semesters and how other faculty members can get involved.

Outcomes:  Participants can expect to learn how 3D printing works and see it in action, hear about the facilities that will be available to them in the JMU 3-SPACE classroom, and find out how they can get involved in future classes, workshops, and projects.

I’ll also be giving away tiny 3D-printed JMU models for those who are interested:


UPDATE: Here is a picture from the talk, right before it started. If you want to have a talk like this at your department or event, just let me know. I’d be happy to come talk to your group about how you can use JMU 3-SPACE.

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