This week a group of over twenty students from Hiroshima University in Japan visited the JMU 3-SPACE classroom as part of their two-week stay here in the JMU/Hiroshima University START program.  We kicked off their visit with a print of some JMU cubes:


After that, the students learned how to use OpenSCAD and Tinkercad to make simple 3D models, and constructed their own models to print. In a very short time they succeeded in making and printing heart rings, Hiroshima University logos and keychains, letters, Darth Vader heads, robots, and a JMU heart design!


The Hiroshima University students asked many questions and did a great job learning how to 3D model objects very quickly. It was great to share time with such involved and interested students, and we were honored to have been able to host this great group from Japan. Thank you for visiting, and thank you also to Dr. William Hawk from JMU for arranging this visit as part of the START program.


UPDATE: We also designed a 3D-printed logo nameplate for Hiroshima University; see Day 183 of the MakerHome design blog.