One of our class challenges for ISCI 104 3D Printing was to create combination of three different objects. I teamed up with another student (Jenny Meyers) and we immediately agree our first object would be the one-and-only Baby Groot. From the variety of groots that we found on Thingiverse, we decided on a sitting model of groot. Which raised our next question, “What will be be sitting on?” To keep things lively and interesting we decided that baby groot would be sitting on a toilet. Finally we used the program Tinkercad to add a mustache (object #3) to groot.
I do not believe these 3 objects have ever been put together before, making this an exciting and special project to print. All around it was an excellent print with no trouble and minimum scaffolding to remove. This class challenged required students to bring out their creative side and that is just what Jenny and I did. Making the challenge a complete success!