May 6, 2017 | Student blog
In ISCI 104 this semester we learned to use a variety of different software tools to develop models we could print using the Afina 3d printers. One of the best parts of this class was getting to see everyones creative ideas for printing. One student in my class, Casey...
May 4, 2017 | Student blog
This semester a friend of mine named Madison Kambic started to get interested and involved with 3D printing. I decided to interview her in order to gain a perspective of what 3D printing means for people who aren’t just getting a grade in a class. For a quick...
May 4, 2017 | Student blog
For my General Music Practices course this semester, we were given the task of building ukuleles for a community outreach program later on during the semester. We call ourselves JMUke and it’s really taken off! One of the masterminds and creators behind this...
May 4, 2017 | Student blog
As a graphic designer, 3D printing was intriguing because of it’s natural correlation to design. Because of that, I used this class as a way to push my personal branding to the next level, creating logo trinkets and business card holders. This outreach event...
May 4, 2017 | Student blog
As my graphic design classmates and I approached our final days here at JMU we all worked sleeplessly to come up with our own personal brands to help promote ourselves in the real world. Among those designers, Kenneth Busic, who I had the luxury of spending some extra...
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