Dec 9, 2015 | Student blog
I have learned a lot about 3D printing and how beneficial it can be in real world settings. I chose to do my Outreach Program with Copper Beech Townhomes. Through this program, I was able to teach the women I work with the full process of 3D printing and used it to...
Dec 8, 2015 | Student blog
3D Printing: A limitless opportunity for your most creative ideas to take shape. While at first, my designs and prints leaned toward mediocre compilations of shapes and letters, I quickly was able to hone my skills and begin to think of more purpose driven...
Dec 2, 2015 | Student blog
The third class challenge for the semester required every student to bring in a “broken” object that was laying around their house. Many items were brought in, including a missing puzzle piece, sunglasses, malfunctioning iPhone charging cords, a car key...
Dec 2, 2015 | Student blog
3D Printing is a fairly new and exciting technology that is taking the world by storm. It was first developed in the 1980s, but humanity is now at the point where it is becoming more and more easy to print a myriad of different things. From simple items like a hair...
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