Nick printed a very clean looking JMU ornament early in the semester. He did it by using an image converter to get the specific JMU font for the ornament. This is more difficult to do than you might think as you have to have the background of the image set just right so that the portion of the image you want is there. He then put it into tinkercad, giving it prominence and cleaning up the image file, and added a ring into the top, which came out perfectly attached without the use of fillets.  He intended it as a gift for someone.

Nick also printed some cool looking ashtrays for himself and his friends using the same concept that he used for the ornament. However instead of giving the shape prominence he depressed it into the ashtray base. This served two purposes, one to make the complex shapes seem much more clean and when the ashtrays were used the hole would fill up with ash and contrast the plastics color nicely.

Both of these Projects Are Available to Print On Thingiverse


JMU Ornament-

(The computer was giving me issues with uploading pictures of the prints so I will update when I get home)