I have learned a lot about 3D printing and how beneficial it can be in real world settings. I chose to do my Outreach Program with Copper Beech Townhomes. Through this program, I was able to teach the women I work with the full process of 3D printing and used it to further our office. We came up with small logos to sit on the desks in the office, to place in the model unit, and to hand out to future tenants to remember us by. During this process, I taught them how to use Tinkercad, a very user friendly program to make 3D models from scratch. They really enjoyed this process even after getting frustrated trying to make the designs exactly how they wanted them to turn out.

The actual process of printing was the most exciting part of my outreach program. showing them the 3D printers for the first time was beyond amusing. They learned very fast and very well. Through this program, one of my co-workers got to experience how a print can fail and why. She had designed a square plaque with the letters C and B on it. When she placed the letters on the plaque, she forgot to raise them up. they went all the way through the plaque, which caused a bunch of string and mess on the underside. I showed her how to fix it on Tinkercad, and she was able to re-print it beautifully!

Through this outreach program, I have been able to share my love of 3D printing with my coworkers and hopefully will further the amount of applications that come through the office!

Thank you and have a great day!