The third class challenge for the semester required every student to bring in a “broken” object that was laying around their house.  Many items were brought in, including a missing puzzle piece, sunglasses, malfunctioning iPhone charging cords, a car key and baby bottles.  This was a very fun challenge because it required everyone to think on their feet and get really creative on how they would fix the broken item.  Surprisingly, many groups successfully completed the challenge to fix the object.  Hillary and Jeffery successfully fix a broken iPhone charging cable, Bri and Scott made an accurate replica of a missing puzzle piece, and Maranda and Kaitlin printed a car key holder for Bri’s key to distinguish it from the rest of her keys!


The 3D printed missing Puzzle Piece!

-The Puzzle Piece has the exact same dimensions as the original piece so that it will fit the puzzle perfectly.  Great job Bri and Scott!

IphoneChargerHillary and Jeffrey’s charging cable fix

-After measuring the dimensions of the broken cable, they decided to make a “clip” that would hold the cable together and steady, allowing the phone to be charged.  Great job Hillary and Jeffrey!

For this class challenge my partner Joey and I also created a fix for a broken iPhone charging cable.  The fix had to hold the cable very tightly and steady.  After measuring the dimensions of the cable, we decided to that we would print a long sleeve for the cable that would wrap around it completely and keep it in one place.  In order to do this, we would actually print around the cable, similar to the quarter trap we printed on the first day of class. In the middle of the print, we paused the printing process and directly inserted the cable.  Then we continued the printing process until the cable was “trapped” inside the print.

Our solution is similar to Hillary and Jeffrey’s solution to the problem, however, I actually liked their’s a little better because you can remove the clip that was holding the cable and use it on another cable.  However, I believe both solutions were great.

Unfortunately, I do not have a picture for our solution for the charging cable, but I did have a picture for the quarter trap, which shows how the quarter is trapped inside the print, similar to the cable for our solution.

Copy of Qtrap

Quarter Trap from First Day 

– The quarter was place inside the print while the printer was still printing! You can’t remove the quarter without breaking the print.

This was my favorite class challenge.  Not only was it fun and creative, it was a great way to show how useful 3D printing can be!


-Matt Zimmerman