Course Description:
In this course students will take what they have learned in their business classes and apply by creating their own business using the 3D printers. The business must be designed around something they can market that is made on the 3D printers. The item/items must be original and unique, but easily made on a 3D printer. (Do not design a business that produces something that is nearly impossible to manufacture, for example items larger than 3in x 3in, because it will not print on the 3D machines. Examples could include, custom cell phone cases, jewelry, organizers, the possibilities are endless. This class is designed to be a fun and innovative way to use all of the classes and material taught in the business school. Be creative!
To learn how to create and design items on Tinkercad using calipers and online measurement tools.
To learn how to market a business and the supplies based off of supply and demand.
To produce a product that is one-of-a-kind but is easy enough to make on a 3D printer, allowing enough time to mass produce items according to supply and demand.
Learn to develop a marketing plan and target market including at least 15 interested clients.
Create a brand, company name and logo.
Create a website that markets the item and lets users customize their item your business sales if needed.
1) For the first project you will create a desk organizer or paper holder to hold all of the documents that you will print out for your business. In addition, student must begin to develop website utilizing weebly, wordpress or additional free site.
2) For the second project you will start to create and design the item your business is going to sell online on Tinkercad. All designs must be properly labeled, priced, and planned out, not leaving out any details. Make sure to include color options, sizing, etc. By now student should have created website and come up with company name and logo to advertise on website.
3) For the third project you will start printing your item that your business is going to sell. This may take several weeks, as you may have to go back to project #2 and modify your designs. During this time student will keep a journal log of all attempts at printing item. This should include photos and details on modifications, failures and successes of 3D printing experience.
4) The final project is due during Finals Week and will compile everything learned during the course. The Final Project portfolio should be turned in in a 3 ring binder. It should contain screen shots of the website and have a 1 page essay describing the product, company and logo and the reason behind the design. Additionally the binder will include all items involved in the Sales Product Portfolio (which is the bulk of this assignment). A marketing plan with interested clients should be included as well as all details regarding the product itself (selling price, materials available, color, measurements, manufacturing costs, marketing costs, shipping and handling costs, sources of revenue, photos of item, etc.). The final project binder should also include all journal entries printed out. This should be as creative and organized as possible.
Grading Rubric
Assignments Points Possible
Creation of desk organizer 25
Creation of website w/ company name and logo 75
Portfolio of sales product (including design, measurements,
aesthetics,pricing information, photos of object, marketing plan) 100
Journal (10pts/entry) 100
Final Project 200
Total 500
Sample Projects could include:
-Wine Glass Charms
-Cosmetic Organizers
-Customized cell phone cases
-Customized key chains
Mary Katherine Hayth and Morgan Dowdy
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