Sample student post

Sample student post

This is a sample student post. If you are trying to figure out how to make your first blog post on this site then you should begin with the instructions at the end of this post. But it’s good to lead in with a picture so let’s start with that. Suppose...
First day of 3D-printing class in JMU 3-SPACE

First day of 3D-printing class in JMU 3-SPACE

3D-printing class is in session and the students have printed their first model. Here are some of them taking pictures and video and staring at their first 3D prints: And here are some of them with their finished models. In this general education course we get...
JMU 3-SPACE is open!

JMU 3-SPACE is open!

The JMU 3-SPACE classroom is now officially open.  Classes start this week, with two sections of a second-block general education laboratory course. Welcome! The instructor station is in the front (on the left of the picture) and the screen displays at the back. Along...