This is a sample student post. If you are trying to figure out how to make your first blog post on this site then you should begin with the instructions at the end of this post. But it’s good to lead in with a picture so let’s start with that.

Suppose you’re writing a blog post for this site and you want to add a picture. You can do that by pressing the “Add Media” button above the editing window. After doing that, click “Upload Files” and then upload the file that you want to add. Then click “Insert into post” at the bottom right of that window and your image will appear:


And then you can go on typing after the picture. It is good form to attribute your pictures or anything else you use from the web. For example you can make the picture link to the site where you got it from by clicking on the picture while writing your post, and then selecting the picture-looking icon.Within the window that opens up you can put the picture’s original web address in the “Link URL” box. I also added this kitten.

To make a link like the one that just happened, just select the text that you want to make a link and then press the little chain-looking icon in the formatting toolbar. From there you can paste in the URL you want. Links are good and you should use them a lot, whether writing about kittens or 3D printers or whatever.

However it is better to actually describe what you are linking to, unlike what I just did in the previous sentence. For example, you might be interested in reading a wonderfully extensive exploration of the Seirpinski triangle from

If you want to embed a video just cut and paste a youtube address.  For example, here is a video of  a lot of cows:

And here is the Minecraft version of that video:

The type of blog post you are expected to write for this course isn’t an extensive report. Instead, think of it as  a curated list of images, links, and videos that help the reader learn more about what they are interested in. The style can be casual, but always think about what would be useful for a reader to see.

If you’re just getting started, then you might enjoy having this list of step-by-step instructions for making your first post:

  1. Go to the “Student Blog” tab of .
  2. Scroll down the “META” in the right column menu and choose “Log in”.
  3. Log in with the username and password you got in your WordPress email (check your spam folder).
  4. Click on “Posts/Add New” in the left menu column.
  5. Give your post a title and type in the big box to write your post.
  6. You can click “Save Draft” at the top of the right menu column as you go along.
  7. Before publishing go to the “Categories” part of the right menu column and click “Student blog” – if you don’t do this then your post will not appear in the blog.
  8. When you are ready, click “Publish” at the top of the right menu column (you can always edit it more later so don’t stress about having everything perfect first).
  9. Now go to the “Student Blog” tab of and admire your work!