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We’re so sad to say today was our last day in Shirati and therefore our last day at Shirati KMT Hospital! With the constant mentoring of Dr. Chirangi, we have all had so many opportunities to learn and grow here, and it has been invaluable.
Our day began after the hospital’s morning report with a presentation on ICU protocol by our graduate student in the DNP program Caitlin Crowder and Keith Herron, a Physician’s Assistant. Several students spent their time in the outpatient department.  Some students then had the chance to assist with women in labor, while 2 other students had the opportunity to scrub in to a cesarean section surgery overseen by Dr. Chirangi. Three students spent the day with Dr. Esther at the clinic in Sota.  It can definitely be said that we will never forget all of the people and the experiences we have had here in Shirati for years to come!