What a day we had around Moshi! Our day started off with a trek up the mountain to the coffee plantation where we got to see the intricate process of making African coffee (the best coffee). Starbucks is one of the big companies that buys African coffee. In fact, Africa sells their coffee to them for $2/kg; Starbucks then distributes that coffee for $15/kg. After we watched our guide peel, rinse, shine, dry, crush, and roast we tried the delicious coffee. It was so perfectly sweet by itself that to our surprise we did not need to use any creamer/milk or sugar! We each left with at least one bag of beans to take home to share.
After a little bit of a caffeine rush, we headed toward the waterfall.

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Our hike was filled with breathtaking views and beautiful bits of nature. About an hour into the hike, we arrived at the waterfall. It was incredible. We got so close to it that it felt as though it was pouring down rain. Many pictures and falls later, we headed back to the coffee plantation to conclude our hike.

Later in the day we made our way to local Mexican restaurant, La Fuente Garden. The food was nothing but satisfying, especially after all that hiking.