Nursing is a lifelong journey. Every day we are learning and growing. Today, we had a unique opportunity to attend a lecture at the University of Dar es Salam. One of the JMU professors discussed that Africa suffers from a lack of resources and abundance of other resources. One obstacle that Africa has faced was being able to communicate with each other because having a landline phone was not realistic. However, cellphones have eliminated the issue of needing landlines. Also, a guest lecturer talked about the health care system here in Africa. One difference that was discussed was in reference to Malaria. In the United States, Malaria is a pressing issue but here in Africa prevention does not seem to have high importance. Mothers do not seek treatment for themselves or children because they do not have time to spend outside of the home traveling. The majority of African culture follows a patrilineal perspective. An example of a resource that Tanzania is known for exporting is Tanzanite. Tiffany and Company helped market this blueish stone to make it popular. We ended the day, at a seafood restaurant where we were able to share and reflect on our day.