Allied and Axis Powers: Friends or Foe?

Allied and Axis Powers: Friends or Foe?

 Auschwitz-Birkenau Women Nazi German Concentration Camp Prisoners. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Accessed Apr 25, 2019. Brie BaumstarkInterviewer: Miranda Raven Touchstone Trapped in a...
Did Lower French Clergy Gain Power During World War II?

Did Lower French Clergy Gain Power During World War II?

Author: Zachrey SimsInterviewer: Brooke Fife France from 1940 through 1944 was in turmoil. To the north and the coast, The Nazis occupied, and the remainder of the nation was under control of a Nazi puppet authoritarian regime known as Vichy France. All the while the...
Did Germans Resist the Nazis?

Did Germans Resist the Nazis?

Author: Taylor DominiqueInterviewer: Riley O’ShaughnessyDid you know that some of Hitler’s earliest opponents were Germans? Throughout the Nazi regime, hundreds of thousands of Germans took part in anti-Nazi resistance.  They included political opponents,...
Did Ireland have a Dictator during WWII?

Did Ireland have a Dictator during WWII?

Author: Jackson Rogers Interviewer: Evan Stone Eamon De Valera is often described as a ‘man of mystery’, yet he was one of the most public figures in Irish history. Some remember him as a hero of Irish independence, others remember him as a Nazi...