Manzanar Relocation Center in Winter, 1943. Author: Corey Knight Interviewer: Reese Manning The bombing at Pearl Harbor rippled fear throughout the US and ultimately led to the evacuation of Japanese-Americans to Internment camps in the West. This fear, along with a...
“Not in Position to Give Up the Chace” appeared in the Washington Post May,1 1899 In 1899 America ratified a treaty with Spain in which they paid twenty million dollars to take control of the Philippines. Soon the United States was waging war against the...
Carrie Buck and her mother, Emma Buck, at the Virginia Colony for Epileptic and Feebleminded Women in Lynchburg in 1924. Author: Haley McAllister Interviewer: Spencer Law Between 1880 and 1940, negative eugenics reigned in Virginia through the legal compulsory...
Author: Jordan Layne Interviewer: Nick Seidel The American Civil War has made several names famous, one name that is not famous but still played a significant role is Henry Wirz. Wirz was known primarily for two things, being a Confederate Captain in charge of the...
ACT UP Activists at the National Institutes of Health Author: Spencer Law Interviewer: Haley McAllister On the heels of the sexual revolution, an unknown virus swept through the gay community in major cities across the United States. By 1989, more than 40,000 people...
Author: Megan Brobst Interviewer: Anna Conrad Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany implemented a plan to eliminate all people they deemed unfit for their society. Before the Holocaust, the Nazis used the eugenic practices of sterilization and euthanasia to attempt to...