“Not in Position to Give Up the Chace” appeared in the Washington Post May,1 1899 In 1899 America ratified a treaty with Spain in which they paid twenty million dollars to take control of the Philippines. Soon the United States was waging war against the...
Author: Emma Fantuzzo Interviewer: Mary Besecky Amidst the Palmer Raids and the Red Scare of the 1920’s, two Italian Anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti would be tried and convicted of armed robbery and murder. A case that sparked national and...
Author: Mary Besecky Interviewer: Emma Fantuzzo During the Gilded Age, a select few people made immense fortunes. One of them was Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish immigrant, who became a steel tycoon and one of the wealthiest people in America at the time. Carnegie gave...
Carrie Buck and her mother, Emma Buck, at the Virginia Colony for Epileptic and Feebleminded Women in Lynchburg in 1924. Author: Haley McAllister Interviewer: Spencer Law Between 1880 and 1940, negative eugenics reigned in Virginia through the legal compulsory...
The First World War is an often-overlooked conflict in American history. The United States served a limited role in the conflict but nevertheless strove to fight on equal terms with its European counterparts. The American Expeditionary Forces would serve as...
Author: Jordan Layne Interviewer: Nick Seidel The American Civil War has made several names famous, one name that is not famous but still played a significant role is Henry Wirz. Wirz was known primarily for two things, being a Confederate Captain in charge of the...