Hokusai, Katsushika, Whaling Off the Gōto Islands, Color woodblock print, 1831-1833, https://www.artic.edu/artworks/100626/whaling-off-the-coast-of-the-goto-islands-goto-kujira-tsuki-from-the-series-one-thousand-pictures-of-the-ocean-chie-no-umi
Author: Ashley Harrell
Interviewer: Robbie Gruberger
Why not eat whale? As a long-established resource, whales once played an intrinsic role in Australia, Norway, Japan, and the U.S. While the 1982 Moratorium set by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) paused the global commercial whaling industry, whales endure as a key resource in Norway and Japan—yet only Japan receives international backlash. Conflicting with Japan are anti-whaling organizations like Greenpeace and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society; international organizations like the IWC and UN; and other countries like Australia and the U.S.