Teacher and Pupils, History Lesson/Photo National Socialism / Education Policy.’Gleichschaltung'(forcible coordination) of schools, Reich Minister of the Interior Frick announces a school reform program, based on Nazi ideology, 9 May 1933, (main focus on history lessons).- A teacher with her pupils during a history lessonTeacher and Pupils, History Lesson/Photo. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. Accessed Apr 18, 2019.
Author: Allyson Scott
Interviewer: Zach Hummel
Hitler believed that children needed to be raised in National Socialism in order to continue being loyal to the Nazi state after their education. Therefore, once Hitler rose to power in Nazi Germany in 1933, he began to make immediate changes to the education system. The Nazi state changed the curriculum taught in primary and secondary schools to reflect National Socialism. To further their instruction outside of school, students were forced to participate in youth groups, like the Hitler Youth and League of German Girls.