Today at clinical I was at the cardiac unit in the catheterization lab. There I observed cardiograms along with stents and balloons, being put into arteries to open them up. In the afternoon we visited Hospital Lleuger de Cambrils, which is a C.A.P. This C.A.P is unique because it has it’s own mini urgent care. There they can take care of patients for up to 8hours before the patient is transferred to a bigger hospital in Reus. The hospital offers many services such as a primary physician, dietitian, and other specialists (dentist, eye, hearing, etc). There are also many rehabilitation/ therapy programs provided (home base rehab, speech therapy, physical therapy and respiratory therapy). One main service that the hospital provides that is not used in the U.S is hospital level care at a person’s home. This service can range from giving medications to resuscitation. Another feature that this C.A.P provides is nursing consultations and a classroom where patients can learn to manage their chronic condition. Lastly, we learned that medical records can be shared between the hospital and the CAP. Meaning, doctors can consult with other doctors about a patient that may have been referred. We then headed back to Tarragona to enjoy some time at the beach and the Ramblas.