Today after clinical we had our class where we discussed the healthcare system along with the crisis which took place between 2005 & 2018. We talked about how this affected the working conditions of healthcare professionals. This included vacation days, salary, number of patients per nurse, and working stability. These adverse effects have not affect patient outcomes yet, but they are predicted to affect them in the future. During this crisis stress, anxiety, and depression has risen.
After class we visited Hospital Univeristari Sant Joan de Reus. This hospital has existed since 1240 but has since been modernized and reformed. This hospital is one of the most futuristic hospitals I have seen in Spain so far! The organization and efficiency within this hospital is impeccable. They even have robots which assist in transporting clothes, blankets, and meds to various floors. They are automated and even speak! They have 15 robots which replaced 15 employees at the hospital. These robots even can go up and down the elevators on their own, I was speechless. It was so interesting to see how hospitals have advanced even in other countries!