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Today was a very relaxing Sunday! Andrea and I woke up to a delicious breakfast. We had croissants and coffee with our host family. Then, we took a bus with the the group to Altafulla. Altafulla is a quiet beach town with a little board walk. We stopped and had lunch on the board walk. All of us ordered either seafood paella ordown vegetable paella. It was very good food! After lunch, all of us sat on the beach. I went on a walk with Sarah all the way the beach and it was very beautiful! After the beach, we met the Spanish nursing professors for some snacks before dinner. The professors took us to the Castillo de Altafulla. It was awesome! We even went inside the gates to take pictures! We ate with the professors as we discussed our clinical experiences. Lastly, we had a wonderful dinner with our host family. It was so much food!

¡Hasta luego!

Meghan Andrews