VA Urban Wood Re-Utilization

Project Description: Thousands of trees are lost in urban areas of Virginia each year to land development, storms, and pests.  As a result, large volumes of tree debris, much of which is suitable for high-value wood products, are streaming out of Virginia’s urban forests annually. Finding cost-effective,  sustainable strategies for recycling this waste, particularly into durable wood products that keep carbon stored indefinitely, could benefit the local economy and the local environment. To inform outreach and technical assistance efforts of the Virginia Urban Wood Group, this project examines household practices and perceptions about tree debris recycling. A household survey was disseminated in two cities: Harrisonburg and Lynchburg, Virginia.

Link to survey:


  • Wiseman, P.E., and M. Schmitt-Harsh. 2019. Household practices and attitudes toward tree recycling and wood products. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Annual International Conference and Trade Show, Knoxville, TN, August 11-14.
  • Wiseman, P. E, and M. Schmitt-Harsh. 2019. Household survey of tree debris recycling practices and consumer interest in products crafted from local wood sources. Virginia Cooperative Extension Annual Meeting, February 2019.


  • Schmitt-Harsh, M., and P.E. Wiseman. In preparation. Recycling and the reuse of wood from neighborhood trees: A survey study investigating households perceptions and practices. Cities and the Environment.