Urban Latin America: Plazas, Protests, and Processions


Cities might be understood as fragments, layers, and often contrasting perspectives that are overlaid on one another.   These overlays are themes that are unfolded as chapters that draw from recent scholarship from a variety of fields including sociology, anthropology, urban planning, history, art history, literature, film studies, and ethnomusicology. 

Why and how has Latin America, become one of the most urbanized regions of the earth?  What has the transition from rural to urban dweller meant for Latin Americans?   How have urban planners and city dwellers shaped their own environments? How have cities been represented and by whom?  What do we mean by  formal and informal city spaces. Dr. McCleary’s urban history class explores urban questions and if you click on the links in the city images, you will visit a Research Kit — all of the pieces you will need to write a short paper on a theme in Latin American urban history.