
Debate Across the Curriculum Bibliography

JMU Debate Across the Curriculum

Please excuse the mess while I work on updating this page. I have been involved in debate since 1994, my first year in high school, and just finished four years as the Assistant Director of Debate at JMU. I stepped down as an active coach/debate director so that I could spend more time at home and better focus my debate energies. I am still involved in debate as the Vice President for the Cross-Examination Debate Association, 2013 topic committee member and leading the CEDA Debate Research and Assessment Committee.

Currently my debate energies are centered on advocating for and on behalf of debate. At the moment this takes two forms. First, in interest in debate assessment. How can we communicate the benefits of debate in different ways. We face external pressures to be able to demonstrate the value added by debate participation and need to find ways we feel comfortable responding to these external calls. Second, I have an interest in working with other faculty to incorporate argumentation, research and debate practices into our classrooms, activities and curriculum. While debate often seems to be housed within communication studies, the benefits of debate participation extend well beyond communication.

Above was the beginning of sharing some of this work. Please stay tuned for more, hopefully much more.



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