by winterea | Sep 29, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
When you were 13 years old; what were some of your favorite things to do? I’d imagine many of you enjoyed being outside, running around with your friends, with no fear of the responsibilities that come with being an adult. This is Fadil Mustafa. Fadil and his family...
by winterea | Sep 23, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
Hello everyone, we are the Mine Sweepers (formerly the Corn Dogs), and we’d like to take this as an opportunity to introduce our unique project and the bizarre journey we somewhat unknowingly have embarked upon. The first few weeks of this Fall semester have been a...
by winterea | Sep 21, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
Welcome to the 2015 Drone Challenge at James Madison University! We are the landmine detection team! Through experimentation with new GPR (ground penetrating radar) technology, our goal is to recognize and detect both active and dormant landmines composed of metal and...
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