by winterea | Nov 11, 2015 | Ecology: Pollution
Since the 1970s, the United States has put forth efforts and investments to improve air quality. As these efforts continue, a fundamental question remains: Do improvements in air quality result in measurable human health improvements? (The New England Journal of...
by winterea | Nov 10, 2015 | Aerial Imaging
Defining it According to, “photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs.” “Photo”- light, “gram”- drawing, “metry”- measurement. How does this line up? The pictures are taken and “drawn” up using the exact “measurements”....
by winterea | Nov 10, 2015 | Landmines: Disarming
Every 15 minutes, 1 person falls victim to landmines. 1 million people have been killed or injured by anti-personnel mines. 26,000 people a year become victims, meaning 70 people a day or about one person every fifteen minutes. 300,000 children and counting are...
by winterea | Nov 4, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
One of the most important aspects of our project has been the fact that we have been working hand in hand with the Landmine Disarming group. Each group needs the other in order to be successful; if we can’t detect the landmines, then they can’t disarm them, and if...
by winterea | Nov 4, 2015 | Landmines: Detection
After formulating an initial plan, growing as a team, exhibiting both success and failure, and prototyping, it finally came time to plan for our end of the year exhibition. Weeks have blown by, and as we’ve buckled down our ideas and research we realized that we may...
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