Final Presentation

Final TinkerCad

For my final project, I decided to attempt a Chinese dragon. This probably took me the longest to make, mainly because of the curves that were needed. I looked at a lot of pictures for references, and after a while I got an idea of what I wanted mine to look like. The hardest part of this was making the curves, the Hole feature was my best friend. I probably spent two hours trying to make the curves. I couldn’t make them as smooth as i wanted them to be, but I’m still happy with how they turned out. Aside from making the curves, the teeth were also very difficult to make. I couldn’t align them to be in a perfect curve, and they were very hard to control as they were very small and close together. Printing this wasn’t too hard, the only problem I had was the legs were very fragile and broke easily. Overall, I had a lot of fun making this, as tinkercad is my favorite program we have used.


Final Fusion360

For my final Fusion360 project, I made a futuristic toilet. It was very frustrating making, as I always had difficulties with the program. Even more so, my final project for this program deleted! While it didn’t look too good, it’s disappointing having it deleted. To make the toilet, I used a tall rectangle and stretched it out to make it tall and narrow. I then used the tool to make my own take on a shape to give it a futuristic feel. It resembled a guitar almost, the middle of the bowl was pinched inwards. I then tried to add foot pedals so you could reach the toilet, but it was a little complicated sinceĀ  I didn’t have a computer mouse. I then added a magazine for effect, along with a little hole for a waterfall. Overall, this program was my least favorite due to how I couldn’t really utilize it to it’s full potential.





Final OpenScad

For my final project for this program, I originally decided to make an oven, I was about halfway through when it deleted, so I decided to make a Jack in the box instead. To do this, I made two cubes and used the difference command to achieve the hole in my box. I then added the spring to connect the head and box together, I messed around with it a bit to see if I could make the spring thicker as if I were to print this, but after a few tries I came to the conclusion I would have to switch it around a bit. The box isn’t centered, mainly because I couldn’t translate the spring at all which I found weird. Next I added the head and made it very smooth, and I did the same with the hat. Overall I’m satisfied with how it came out, I really like the simple design I gave it. I think this program and tinkercad are my favorite. I’ll miss using this program the most though.



Final Final project

For my final project, I decided to go with a program I’m most comfortable with, TinkerCad. While this program is fairly easy to get the hang of, I wanted to challenge myself for this one. I decided everything I make would be with the scribble tool, which I actually enjoyed. Besides using a circle for the body, I made everything else. Doing that made it a lot easier to get the details I wanted, especially for the ridges on the claws. Making the lemons were a tad difficult, I tried using a line to help make the individual slices, but it didn’t look right. I ended up using rounded triangles which didn’t turn out how I wanted it to, but it gives it nice spunk to it. I relied on the copy and mirror tool to help with making it look as symmetrical as possible. Overall, TinkerCad is, and always will be my favorite program we have used. While it doens’t have the range as Fusion360 or OpenScad, it does get the job done.


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