Week 5: Digital Overlay Ventures to Ft. Meade

Last Friday we were able to spend a day in our end user’s shoes at Fort Meade, MD. Interview after interview, our team gather an overload of data and complied a list of large and small scale problems. From the conversations we had there, we are narrowing our...
Digital Overlay – Our Problem in Comics

Digital Overlay – Our Problem in Comics

 “The Battle Plan Origins” To better understand our problem and our users’ needs, we made our own comic about the problem. Teams Home  About  Deep Clearance Digital Overlay  Drone Detection  Humanitarian Assistance  UAS Hard Kill Contact Us JMU...
Week 2: Digital Overlay Relays Information

Week 2: Digital Overlay Relays Information

Using the feedback given from our first presentation we are diving into a few more things, such as our presentation style. We already are confident in what we want to say, but recognize that our organization could be improved—especially with how we divide up our...