Insight on Current Solutions

Insight on Current Solutions

One of the most notable gains from this week was how much Drone Detection grew as a team. We are gradually improving on how we work together and seem to work best in person. Every time we meet in person our ideas seem much clearer. We have been meeting more...
JIDO Team Gains Momentum

JIDO Team Gains Momentum

Last week, the UAS Hardkill Team gave their first weekly presentation. The team’s research sparked conversation between students and professors. As the team began talking about their research on drones and their vulnerabilities, the audience began to engage with...
Reflections on Our First Steps

Reflections on Our First Steps

       Our team was very satisfied with our first presentation, in which we explained appropriate information about the Deep Clearance Situational Problem that we obtained from individuals with busy schedules and tremendous commitments in serving our country.  We...
Getting Started with the Air Force

Getting Started with the Air Force

The initial interview with our POC was very eye opening because they were able to tell us what they want in the solution. They are looking for a drone that is able to detect an aerial system to emphasize a threat and counter it. Although there is an Air Force command...