Panel Data Sets

Panel Data:  a group of entities observed over time.

A panel data set is a combination of cross-section and time series. It is a cross-section of n entities observed over t periods.  It is also referred to as longitudinal data.

Below is a screen shot of a panel data set on average SAT scores (VSAT, MSAT, and WSAT), the percent of eligible students who took the exam, and real per pupil expenditures for public K-12 education by state for the eyars 2008-2011.    Notice that the first two columns are identifiers.  With a panel data set, we need two identifiers: one that identifies the cross section unit (main_id) and one that identifies the time period (year). Each row of data pertains to a specific state in a specific year.

You can download this .csv file by clicking on this link:  SAT_paneldata

Notice that there are no empty rowssimple variable names without spacesno units for number values (no % signs).  When you construct your own data set, follow these practices.