

John Pierpont Morgan Senior Banker and Financier John Pierpont Morgan Senior was born on April 17, 1837 and died on March 31, 1913. He was born into a dignified family who made their living in the U.S. J.P. Morgan entered the banking world after school and quickly...


Doris Duke Philanthropist and Heiress Doris Duke (November 22, 1912- October 28, 1993) is best known as an heiress and philanthropist. She is the daughter of James Buchanan Duke, who was very successful in the tobacco and real estate business. For this success, Doris...


Clara Barton Teacher and Nurse Clara Barton (December 25, 1821-April 12, 1912), grew up to be an educator and humanitarian. As a teenager, Barton helped care for her seriously ill brother, David, which was her first experience as a nurse. She later helped reform the...