Members of the “Lynching in Virginia Curriculum Project” team presented their work at the 2021 Open Ed. Conference! See their pre-recorded presentation at the bottom of this post.

Presentation title: Teaching Hard Histories for Racial Healing: The Lynching in Virginia Curriculum Project
Speakers: Mary Beth Cancienne (JMU COE), Gianluca De Fazio (JMU CAL), Kevin Hegg (JMU Libraries), Ashley Taylor Jaffee (Princeton U.), Elaine Kaye (JMU Libraries), Kirsten Mlodynia (JMU Libraries), Alia Stone (JMU COE graduate), Liz Thompson (JMU Libraries), Nicole Wilson (JMU Libraries)
Date and time:  Tuesday, October 19 from 3:30 to 3:55 PM (EST) – ENDED (see presentation below)
Location: Virtual (go to

Description: The presenters will share how the Teaching Hard Histories project represents the complexity of integrating social justice work into the curriculum. Presenters will explore how the project centers student agency and authorship, discuss the role and purpose of publishing content openly, and reflect on the importance of sharing their work with a wider community to cut across the oppressive disciplinary silos that make up our current systems. (See more here.)