Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1891061301 Victim Name: Robert Clark Race: Black Sex: Male Age: 20 Job: Unknown Method of Death: Hanged Accusation: Assault on a white woman Date: 1891-06-13 City: Bristol Mob Composition: About 3,000, unmasked Summary: On June 13th, 1891, Robert Clark,...
Benjamin Thomas in Alexandria
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1899080801 Victim Name: Benjamin Thomas Race: Black Sex: Male Age: 16 Job: Unknown Method of Death: Beaten, hanged and shot Accusation: Attempted criminal assault on a 8 year-old white girl Date: 1899-08-08 City: Alexandria Mob Composition: About 2,000...
Lee Puckett in Patrick
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1898091201 Victim Name: Lee Puckett Race: White Sex: Male Age: young Job: Unknown Method of Death: Riddled with bullets Accusation: Criminal assault on a white woman Date: 1898-09-12 City: Stuart Mob Composition: Undisguised white men Summary: A young...
John Henry James in Albemarle
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1898071101 Victim Name: John Henry James Race: Black Sex: Male Age: Unknown Job: Unknown Method of Death: Hanged and riddled with bullets Accusation: Criminal assault of an unmarried white woman Date: 1898-07-12 City: Charlottesville Mob Composition:...
Mack Howlett in Carroll
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1898062001 Victim Name: Mack Howlett Race: White Sex: Male Age: Unknown Job: Unknown Method of Death: Shot Accusation: Murder of a white man Date: 1898-06-20 City: Hillsville Mob Composition: Masked Summary: A white farmer, Mack Howlett, was lynched by a...
Paris Suits in Wise
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1898042701 Victim Name: Paris Suits Race: White Sex: Male Age: young Job: Unknown Method of Death: Riddled with bullets Accusation: Murdering a white man and a black man Date: 1898-04-27 City: Coeburn Mob Composition: Unknown Summary: The lynching of...
Peb Falls in Rockingham
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1897092501 Victim Name: Peb Falls Race: White Sex: Female Age: Unknown Job: Unknown Method of Death: Hanged Accusation: Unsavory character; keeping company with negroes Date: 1897-09-25 City: Cowan's Depot Mob Composition: Unknown Summary: A white woman,...
Henry Walls in Patrick
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1897090601 Victim Name: Henry Walls Race: White Sex: Male Age: 21 Job: Unknown Method of Death: Swung to a tree Accusation: Criminal assault and murder of an unmarried white girl Date: 1897-09-06 City: Friends Mission Mob Composition: Several hundred...
Edward John Nolen in Franklin County
Previous LynchingNext Lynching Victim ID: VA1897081601 Victim Name: Edward John Nolen Race: White Sex: Male Age: young Job: Unknown Method of Death: Shot Accusation: Revenue informer Date: 1897-08-16 County Name: Franklin County Mob Composition: Armed moonshiners Summary: On August 16th, 1897, a...