VIII. Atlantis, lines 1-33

Line 1: “Cable strands, the arching path” Line 3: “Moonlight syncopate” – By definition syncopate is cited from the Oxford English Dictionary as “to begin (a note) on an unaccented part; to introduce syncopation into (a...

VIII. Atlantis, lines 33-64

Line 34: “Tyre”- A Phoenician city. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons   Line 36: “Troy”- An ancient city in present day Turkey. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons  Line 40: “Aeolus”-The  Greek god of wind. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons  Line...

VIII. Atlantis, lines 65-96

Line 78: “Cordage”- According to the OED refers to “cords or ropes collectivelyor in the mass, esp. the ropes in the rigging of a ship”. Due to Crane’s fascination with sailor, readers may imply that the allure of the ship is certainly...


Go to Atlantis “The Atlantis theme (that of Eternity) is the transmuted voice of the nickel-slot pianola, and this voice alternates with that of the derelict sailor and the description of the action. The airy regatta of phantom clipper ships seen from Brooklyn Bridge...