III. Cutty Sark, lines 1-58

Epigraph: “O, the navies old and oaken, O, the Temeraire no more!”- This is a quote from the last two lines of Herman Melville’s short poem Temeraire. The “Temeraire” is an old wooden war ship of the old English fleet.    ...

III. Cutty Sark, lines 59-85

Line 59: “Turreted Sprites”- A turret has the shape of a long spiral. Sprites were known as a small or elusive supernatural being (OED). Line 64: “Opium and Tea”- Opium is produced from the dried latex taken from the poppy plant. Both were high-valued...

IV. Cape Hatteras, lines 1-31

Epigraph to Cape Hatteras by Walt Whitman: Robert Combs explains in his book Vision of the Voyage that, “The epigraph for ‘Cape Hatteras’…points toward a very different consummation—it is simply the end of life joyfully accepted…the title page of this poem points to...