Line 21; “Down Wall” – Wall Street
L.ine22; “acetylene” – a colorless, pungent-smelling hydrocarbon gas, which burns with a hot, bright flame (OED)
“Acetylene,” John D. Beveridge, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Line 26; “guerdon”: a reward, requital, or recompense (OED)
Line 26; “accolade” – properly, an embrace or clasping about the neck; technical name of the salutation marking the bestowal ofknighthood, applied at different times to an embrace, a kiss, and a slap n the shoulders with the flat blade of a sword (OED)
Line 29; “harp”- referring to an Eolian harp, an instrument that is meant to be played by the wind. Romantic writers and poets frequently wrote about Eolian harps.  Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote a very famous poem entitled “The Eolian Harp” 

[tubepress video=”M8ThB4uCYp4″ fullscreen=”false” length=”false” views=”false”]

Line 31; “prophets pledge” – reference to a story from the Quran in which Allah pledges to send a prophet to his people. This story is very similar to the Bible, in which God promises to send a messiah to his followers, which some claim was Jesus.

Line 32; “prayers of pariah” – reference to Johan Wolfgang von Goethe’s poem “The Pariah’s Prayer.” This poem is that of a Hindi pariah appealing to God.

Line 31-32; “Terrific threshold…lover’s cry” – In these lines Crane refers to three different religions, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism and secularism adding a deeper, religious significance to the Brooklyn bridge

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons





"Krishna Statue at the Sri Mariamman Temple" by AngMoKi, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Star of David, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Line 39; “City’s fiery parcels” – This is possibly a reference to the traffic or street lights

“Stop Light,” Courtesy of