Line 32: “Glistered”- To glisten. Also, an archaic word for glitter (OED).
Line 32: “Salver”- One who salves or heals; applied to Christ or the Virgin Mary (OED).
Line 33: “Crucible”- A vessel made of a refractory substance such as graphite or porcelain, used for melting and calcining materials at high temperatures (OED).
Line 34: “Sluiced”- To sluice means to flood or drench with or as if with a flow of released water (OED).
Line 36: “Hesperus”- The planet Venus in its appearance as the evening star. Also a reference to Greek Mythology, Hesperus is the son of Eos and Eosphorus (OED).
Line 47: “‘-Recorders ages hence’”- Reference to the poem “Recorders Ages Hence” by Walt Whitman, published in his collection Leaves of Grass in 1891. Courtesy of the Whitman Archive.
Line 50: “Paumanok”- Another reference to a Walt Whitman poem titled “Starting from Paumanok.” Courtesy of the Whitman Archive. Paumanok Path is also a trail leading from Long Island to Rocky Point, New York.
Line 54: “O Saunterer”- Further reference to the poem “Recorders Ages Hence” by Walt Whitman. Line 19-20 of this poem reads “Who oft as he saunter’d the streets curv’d with his arm the shoul-der of his friend…” Courtesy of the Whitman Archive. Much of this section is reference to Whitman’s poetry.