Line 24: “The Dakotas”- Referring to North and South Dakota.
Line 34: “Cheyenne”- The capital and largest city in Wyoming.

"Union Pacific Passenger Station, 121 West Fifteenth Street, Cheyenne." Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Line 34: “Kalamazoo”- A large city in southwest Michigan.
Line 39: “My Old Kentucky Home”- Kentucky’s state song and the official song of the Kentucky Derby, written by Stephen C. Foster in 1921. Listen here.
Line 39: “Casey Jones”- Referring to the song called “The Ballad of Casey Jones.” Casey Jones was a railroad engineer who had a trademark way of blowing the train’s whistle (Dodd). Listen here.
Line 40: “Some Sunny Day”- A song written by composer Irving Berlin in 1922. Listen here.
Line 44: “Aunt Sally Simpson”- A person who cared for Crane when he spent a summer on the Isle of Pines in the year 1926 (Craig 81).
Line 46: “Booneville”- A town in Mississippi that lies in a cross-section of four different railroad companies (Norfolk-Southern, Kansas City Southern, Mississippi and Tennessee, and Redmont Railway).