- Line 59: “eddying”-“The action of eddy v.: moving in circles, whirling. Adj. Moving in eddies; full of eddies” (OED).
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- Line 60: “parable”- “[Noun] An allegorical or metaphorical saying or narrative; an allegory, a fable; a comparison, a similitude. Also: a proverb, a maxim; an enigmatic or mystical saying. [Adjective] Able to be readily prepared, procured, or got; procurable. [Verb] To compose or utter a parable; to speak in parables” (OED).
- Line 61: “Inquisitor”-“One who makes inquisition or inquiry; an inquirer, seeker, investigator; a curious or prying inquirer, an inquisitive person. One whose official duty it is to inquire, examine, or investigate, in matters of crime, taxation” (OED).
- Line 61: “incognizable”- “Not cognizable; incapable of being known, perceived, or apprehended by the senses or intellect; incapable of recognition” (OED).
- Line 62: “Eden”:-“The abode of Adam and Eve at their creation, Paradise; also more fully, the garden of Eden . [Also,] A delightful abode or resting-place, a paradise; a state of supreme happiness” (OED).
- Line 62: “enchained Sepulchre”- “A tomb or burial-place, a building, vault, or excavation, made for the interment of a human body. In biblical language[ white sepulchre], used [figuratively] for a hypocrite, or one whose fair outward semblance conceals inward corruption” (OED).
- Line 63: “savannahs”- “an open plain of long grass, [frequently] with scattered drought-resistant trees, such as is characteristic of certain tropical and subtropical regions having distinct wet and dry seasons; grassland or vegetation of this kind” (OED).
- Line 68: “seignories”- “The rank or condition of a seignior, lordship, domination, sovereignty” (OED).
- Line 68: “Ganges”- Referencing the Ganges River in India, “The Ganges is the most sacred river of Hinduism. Many Hindus believe life is incomplete without taking a bath in the Ganges at least once in their lives. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person’s soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill” (Wikipedia).
- Line 69: “corposant”- “the ball of light which is sometimes seen on a ship (esp. about the masts or yard-arms) during a storm; also called ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’” (OED).
- Line 70: “Teneriffe’s garnet”- ” Teneriffe may refer to a white wine produced in the Canary Islands, or a white lace produced in the Canary Islands. Garnet is a vitreous mineral, most commonly found as a distinct crystal, and in the form of a rhomboidal dodecahedron, but also occurring in other shapes. The precious garnet is of a deep transparent red colour, and is used as a gem” (OED).
- Line 71: “Chan”- Could possibly refer to Chines suffix “chan that expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing, often referring to lovers, close friends, and young women” (Wikipedia).
- Line 72: “Te Deum laudamus”- “Latin hymn to God the Father and Christ the Son, traditionally sung on occasions of public rejoicing” (Encyclopedia Britannica).
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- Line 72: “teeming span”- “Teeming is a reference to the production or bringing forth of offspring; breeding; child-bearing. Span is reference to a short space of time, especially as the duration of human life; the extent or space of time” (OED).
- Line 76: “shoal”- “A place where the water is of little depth; a shallow; a sand-bank or bar” (OED).
- Line 80: “Elohim”- “One of the Hebrew names [for] God, or of the gods” (OED).
- Line 85: “kindled”- “Of a fire, flame, or combustible matter: To begin to burn, catch fire, burst into flame” (OED).
- Line 86: “biassed”- “Influenced; inclined in some direction; unduly or unfairly influenced; prejudiced” (OED).
- Line 86: “meridians reel”- “Meridian refers to midday, noon; also a proper name for the devil. [Reel could refer] to a tumultuous noise, or to whirl or wheel around; to go with a whirling or rolling motion; to spin or appear to spin” (OED).