Jonestown: How Can One Man Lead People to The Largest Mass Suicide In History?
Jonestown: How Can One Man Lead People to The Largest Mass Suicide In History?

Jonestown: How Can One Man Lead People to The Largest Mass Suicide In History?

Author: Bryce Livi Interviewer: Chase Abraham On November 18, 1978, 900 members of The People’s Temple movement willingly drank “Kool-Aid” mixed with cyanide in what is known as the largest mass suicide in human history. One of the many unanswered...

How did Japanese-Americans handle themselves during a time of great persecution?
How did Japanese-Americans handle themselves during a time of great persecution?

How did Japanese-Americans handle themselves during a time of great persecution?

Manzanar Relocation Center in Winter, 1943. Author: Corey Knight Interviewer: Reese Manning The bombing at Pearl Harbor rippled fear throughout the US and ultimately led to the evacuation of Japanese-Americans to Internment camps in the West.  This fear, along with...