How Did Soccer Nearly Become America’s Pastime?
Author: Jeremy Bradshaw Interviewer: Jacob “Gil” Wilson In American history, few cultural phenomena have played as big a role as sports. The four main sports in American society, including baseball and American football, have long held the top spots...
Could they have gotten away with it? Leopold, Loeb, and the “Perfect Crime”
Author:Maurice Fletcher Interviewer:Kyle Hogan In 1924, two privileged young men from Chicago decided to commit a murder just to prove they could. The way they did kept the Second City clamoring for justice until they were apprehended, and the ensuing...
Linear tactics; Did they produce a uniformity appearance or a quick death for those who used it in 1864?
Cold Harbor Lithograph Author: Dylan Shafer Interviewer: Liam Young The memory of the American Civil War is one of two sides forming up into neat lines and advancing towards each other, but the reality is much different. Starting in late 1863, the war...
Why Did Hitler Steal Art From All Across Europe?
Author: Jordan Downing Interviewer: Josh Timko During World War II, the Nazis in Germany plundered thousands of art and artifacts from all across Europe. They stole numerous pieces for Hitler to have in the “Greater German Reich” that he was creating....
Why Was 1968 So Tragic For Robert Kennedy?
Author: Reese Manning Interviewer: Corey Knight During a time of great division in the United States caused by the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement, Robert F. Kennedy launched a presidential campaign focused on unity and healing. His desire to end civil...
What’s so important about the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?
Author: Sophia Cabana Interviewer: Katherine Dillman Sophia Cabana investigates the battle between religious establishment and religious liberty in Virginia, telling the story of how the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom came to be. She also explains...
Jonestown: How Can One Man Lead People to The Largest Mass Suicide In History?
Author: Bryce Livi Interviewer: Chase Abraham On November 18, 1978, 900 members of The People’s Temple movement willingly drank “Kool-Aid” mixed with cyanide in what is known as the largest mass suicide in human history. One of the many unanswered...
How Does a Bombing Get Forgotten? Ramona Africa Speaking on the life of Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution at the Historic Church of the Advocate (28 January, 2017) Image by Joe Piette Author: Charles Abraham Interviewer: Bryce Livi On May...
How did Japanese-Americans handle themselves during a time of great persecution?
Manzanar Relocation Center in Winter, 1943. Author: Corey Knight Interviewer: Reese Manning The bombing at Pearl Harbor rippled fear throughout the US and ultimately led to the evacuation of Japanese-Americans to Internment camps in the West. This fear, along with...
Did France Truly Fall?
Volunteer of the French Resistance interior force (FFI) at Châteaudun in 1944. Germany occupied France on June 22nd, 1940, early on in World War II, and held power over them until the war ended in 1944. Do to their occupation, Frenchmen had to adjust...
Did America Fight the Filipinos for nothing but Racism?
"Not in Position to Give Up the Chace" appeared in the Washington Post May,1 1899 In 1899 America ratified a treaty with Spain in which they paid twenty million dollars to take control of the Philippines. Soon the United States was waging war against...
What Was The Significance Of The Sacco And Vanzetti Trial?
Author: Emma Fantuzzo Interviewer: Mary Besecky Amidst the Palmer Raids and the Red Scare of the 1920's, two Italian Anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti would be tried and convicted of armed robbery and murder. A case that sparked national...
Why Did Andrew Carnegie Donate Millions For Libraries?
Author: Mary Besecky Interviewer: Emma Fantuzzo During the Gilded Age, a select few people made immense fortunes. One of them was Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish immigrant, who became a steel tycoon and one of the wealthiest people in America at the time. Carnegie gave...
What Were the Motivations to Forcibly Sterilize American Citizens?
Carrie Buck and her mother, Emma Buck, at the Virginia Colony for Epileptic and Feebleminded Women in Lynchburg in 1924. Author: Haley McAllister Interviewer: Spencer Law Between 1880 and 1940, negative eugenics reigned in Virginia through the legal...
What did the American Expeditionary Forces contribute in World War I?
The First World War is an often-overlooked conflict in American history. The United States served a limited role in the conflict but nevertheless strove to fight on equal terms with its European counterparts. The American Expeditionary Forces would serve as...